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View Full Version : Class 1 in Ireland

19th Jun 2001, 02:29
I was wondering. I live in Northern Ireland and reciently found out i can get a class one from the IAA in Dublin (saving the trip to gatwick) but will that medical be sufficient for flying and gaining a licence under the CAA. I was thinking along the lines that its a JAA licence and JAA medical so there wouldnt be a problem where i got it. Is that right???

Happy flying

19th Jun 2001, 03:48
Thats the first I heard of It. I live In Dublin, and anyone that I Know has had to go to Gatwick to do the class 1 medical. Unless its changed in the last month...... Correct me If Im wrong!!

19th Jun 2001, 11:36
I have my medical in a couple of weeks. When I rang I asked that very question. Apparently, it is not officially a JAR medical, as Ireland has yet to fully introduce JAR-FCL. However it is exactly the same medical as you would undergo in any other JAR country and if you ask they IAA they can give you a letter stating is JAR compliancy.

I noticed when I was looking at the application form for BAE Systems, they reguest a Class 1 from either the UK or Denmark! Aer Lingus currently send their cadets to BAE, and I sure everyone of them did their medical's in Dublin!!!

As the previous post says, call Adrienne if you have any questions or doubts. Let us know how you get on.

village flyer
19th Jun 2001, 16:43
FYI.. I have been informed that although much of the above is correct (in compliance with JAR etc.), schools are still requesting a gatwick medical (or JAR approved). Bummer.

19th Jun 2001, 18:02
I'd be really interested to hear more on this from anyone that has just done their initall Class 1 here in Ireland, and has since gone onto to train in the UK.

I rang the IAA, and they confirmed that a Class 1 done in Ireland, is indeed a JAR approved medical!!! However, they don't exactly inspire much confidence in me.

As for UK schools insisting on a UK Class 1, surely if the Irish one is JAR compliant, they can't make you do another one?

19th Jun 2001, 20:00
EI send all there hopefulls to blackrock Clinic

crispy banana
19th Jun 2001, 20:49
I was asking my friend this very question last weekend;he was telling me that his medical was a JAA class 1 done in the Mater...The reason I was asking is I have to do a class 1 before I do the distance learning!!..I've went ahead and booked mine in Gatwick thou' just in case the CAA/JAA won't accept the Irish one somewhere down the line!!..Painfull all round thou' as I live in the US and have to fly back especially for this!(ah well excuse to go home for a week for plenty of pints!! :) )

19th Jun 2001, 21:24
Hi Lads,

Im intending going for the Class 1 here in Ireland asap if possible, but in Gatwick if thats where you should go at the moment.

Does anyone know how long it takes after ringing up either the Mater or Gatwick, to the point at which you actually get to go and have it done?

Also how long roughly after doing the medical before getting your results?

Finally should you go to your Doctor first, to go over some of the basic tests, e.g urine, blood, etc?

Best wishes,


[This message has been edited by Turbsy (edited 19 June 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Turbsy (edited 19 June 2001).]

EI 007
19th Jun 2001, 21:50
JAA Class One at the Mater private got one in January no prob. Ask for Adriene in the aero-medical department.

19th Jun 2001, 22:13
Thanks for that mate.


crispy banana
19th Jun 2001, 22:33
For Gatwick: I called yesterday and the next available time was July 17 or so,I asked for the 10th of August which was no problemo,only problem was waking up early enough to call them :) Office hours are 9-4..M-F I was told it takes around 3 hours to do it.

village flyer
19th Jun 2001, 23:16
Hey crispy banana where are you based?
I have recently moved out here on an assignment (boston area).
Have you been flying out here?


crispy banana
19th Jun 2001, 23:29
Howsit goin Village Flyer!...am based out in the bay area,I've done most of my flying here (FAA CPL/IR/ME) but have decided to bite 'de bullet and jump thru' all the JAA hoops :rolleyes: and go for the JAA ATPL's etc...Do you fly yourself?..what part of Irl are you from?

village flyer
20th Jun 2001, 15:46
Ahh the beautiful bay state....
I was flying in Ireland (half way thru PPL) but had to go, so found a decent school within a few weeks and have been undertaking the FAA PPL, A little far behind you I may add. It would be great to do the works out here and even do a little time with whoever would hire.
There are some real nice outfits on the Cape, (Cape Air?)
I 'm north of Dublin, You? do you fly full time?


20th Jun 2001, 16:05
I rang the Mater last October/November and was asking about availability and they told that they were booked up for some time because they were doing all the Aer Lingus Cadets. I wouldn't think that BAE or EI would do take anything less than a JAR approved Class 1

Deputy Dog
20th Jun 2001, 17:37
How much do they charge at the Mater. It is 400 squids here !!! I will be in Dublin over the summer and would get one there if cheaper.

20th Jun 2001, 18:50
Current price is IR475. I think they are booked up until August though.

20th Jun 2001, 21:34
I know that the Mater hospital does the class 1 alright, but does Blackrock Clinic do it as well?

I thought thats where Aer Lingus send their cadets, has things changed over to the Mater now?


crispy banana
20th Jun 2001, 21:42
Village flyer
From Clare (de Burren)! Dont fly full time but try to get up twice a week,to keep the hours up,v.easy to do here with the weather and availability of a/c etc..Have fun with the PPL training,did you start in weston?
Email me if you want any info. on flying out this way.. [email protected]

22nd Jun 2001, 12:45
Lads, you might want to have a look at a similar thred on http://www.irishaviation.net/forums/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000774.html

It would appear that if you intend doing your commercial training in the UK, then you must do your Medical under the supervision of the CAA. I am currently checking this with the CAA, and will let you know as soon as I hear anything.

It's a bit like a similar situation I had a few months back. I wanted to go over to the States to finish my PPL. However, as I had already done my PPL exams here in Ireland, I would have had to resit them all as most of the JAA approved flight schools in America are JAA approved by the CAA. Therefore I would be deemed to be training for a JAA licence under the supervision of another aviation authority!

23rd Jun 2001, 07:58
To cut a long story short, there are no approved JAA CPL training facilities in Ireland, therefore you have to conduct your flight training in some other country. The following regulation therefore applies.

3. Must an applicants' training and testing, e.g. skill tests/medical tests etc., be carried out in one JAA member State?
For licence issue the answer is yes. See JAR-FCL 1.065. All training and testing shall be undertaken under the supervision of one JAA member State. This State becomes the State of Licence Issue. Further ratings can be obtained in any JAA member State and will be added to the licence by the State of Licence Issue (the procedure for this is stated the Joint Implementation Procedures (JIP) document paragraph

As for doing the medical in Blackrock, they lost the 3 year contract at the end of 1999, the Maher now has it.

The state of general aviation and pilot training in Ireland is deplorable, I find it incredibly disheartening that you are unable to embark on a professional pilot training course at this time or anywhere in the future. The saddest part of this in my eyes is that we did have the facilities back in 1990. Iona and the ECA set themselves up in Cork to become JAA approved training centers. Unfortunately they were about 10 years too early!

Mutt. http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/guin.gif

[This message has been edited by mutt (edited 23 June 2001).]

25th Jun 2001, 03:57
Are u from Ireland? I`m Irish and am trying to become a pilot.
You seem to have a lot of information about the Irish aviation industry and I would like to talk to u (or anybody else with helpful information).

My e-mail address is [email protected]. Please drop me an e-mail.

[This message has been edited by flighter (edited 25 June 2001).]

28th Jun 2001, 20:48
Hi all,

good news for prospective pilots in Ireland and also for people who would find it cheaper to travel to Dublin than Gatwick.

See the thread on