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View Full Version : Lincoln crew rest position ?

27th Aug 2018, 19:44
I've seen a few references to the crew rest position in the Avro Lincoln. Does anyone know where this was located, and what it comprised i.e. was there a bunk, or just seats ? I am guessing it was just aft of the main cockpit, but have been unable to locate it on any drawings I've seen.

28th Aug 2018, 04:40
There was no crew rest position in the Australian manufactured Lincoln Mk 31 nor the Mk 30 either. You used your parachute or Mae West as a pillow (very uncomfortable) and bunked down on the metal floor, wherever you could fit in. Usually against the main spar which is adjacent to the signallers position. The smell of petrol emanating from the vicinity of the fuel cross-feed cocks was most unpleasant. Alternatively you could try to sleep on the fuselage floor near the rear entrance door or even in the rear gun turret. where you had no choice but to sit on the gunner's seat and doze off with your face between the two 0.5 calibre Browning machine guns.. Wherever you chose, the noise from four Merlins was debilitating; especially on long flights.

28th Aug 2018, 10:44
"Lincoln at War" talks of long sectors, with the crew trying to rest on the floor. No mention at all of rest "facilities"

28th Aug 2018, 16:46
Thanks for the replies. The reference I've seen to a "crew rest position" is in an official document (circa 1951) referring to the conversion of a UK Lincoln B Mk 2 for special duties. The position was apparently sacrificed to accomodate some kit. A second reference (that I've just come across) talks about the removal of the "rest seat". So I've no doubt the position originally existed in B Mk 2s. Of course, it may have been removed from even standard aircraft at some later date. I've found an illustration showing a seat against the (rear of the?) front spar, next to a fold-up step, which might be the article in question, but it would be nice to confirm.

28th Aug 2018, 20:24
For what its worth, I worked on the Lincolns at Lindholme during period 1954-56, and I have no recollections of a rest position.

But it was a long time ago.