View Full Version : faa commercial to a jaa cpl-h

26th Jul 2002, 20:32
i've had several potential helicopter pilots ask me questions of what to do after flying in the states. how do you get a jar-based cpl-h? sweden and norway have started jar-fcl courses, but the problem seems to be the theory. what books are recommended to buy? the swedish university in lund have books in all the subjects (meteorology, navigation, jar, aerodynamics, etc.) but they don't seem to cover all the material needed to do the exams. i've heard that jeppesen sanderson publishes books aswell?

i assume that the questions for the jaa-exams all come from the jaa, and that all the jaa-countries get the questions from this databank!?



26th Jul 2002, 21:42
I was told (unofficial source) when at Gatwick. That all the questions do indeed come from a central question bank, and that some of the questions translate poorly into English (all member states get to have a go), but under JAR rules that the wording can't be changed:rolleyes: . Which is why a few of the Q's don't quite make sense. Anybody else heard this?

27th Jul 2002, 15:54

I've just done the exams. Best advise is to do a distance learning course with someone like Oxford or Bristol Ground school then you'll also need to do helicopter Principles of Flight. You'll then have all the subjects done for FW and rotary ATPL under JAR.

The Jeppesen book are good - I used them a lot but buying the books is not enough. To get a good result you need access to the latest feedback questions and that is the main reason for doing the distance learning courses.

31st Jul 2002, 14:04
I've enrolled in a distance learning course for theory from
Ground Training Services, Ltd. (GTS) in the UK. I have found their manuals to be clearly written with many illustrated examples. Their payment schedule is easy on the wallet ! I have seen Norwegian theory books and they looked like college texts without examples.
Although GTS is primarily fixed-wing they can do rotor-wing if you enroll before October 2002.:) :)