View Full Version : BA apptitudes

Bunty Boy
18th Jun 2001, 14:53
Morning chaps,

Just wondering if anyone else has heard back from BA after the apptitudes last monday (11th). Got a letter on Friday to say "fancy the next round". I must say I felt a little sick opening the letter. Massive relief now and a little panicy about the next stage. Hope everyone else got good news from the day too.


18th Jun 2001, 17:34
Nice one! You made it on your penultimate opportunity. Hope all goes well at the next stage. I haven't been invited back, but plenty more chances. Good luck!

Bunty Boy
18th Jun 2001, 18:42
Cheers Jac,

Hope you have more success next time round. Did I talk to you on the day? A real name might help. If you need any advice for next time drop me a line - I'm full of it!



19th Jun 2001, 00:11
How were they Bunter ? If you have done them before had they changed at all ? any easier ??

Big help if you answer fully ! :)


19th Jun 2001, 16:38
My name is Jackie, I was the one who caught the tube back to terminal 1 with you...remember?

Bunty Boy
19th Jun 2001, 17:37
You should have had/be getting a couple of sample question through from BA already, and these are a good representation of what to expect. The Numerical ones are obviously a little harder on the day and you don't get a calculator. However you do get pencil and paper. It's a good idea to brush up on your multiplication and division and particularly percentages. There was a real stinky question asking the percentage of a 3D object that was left after a chunk was cut out of it. It only gives you the dimensions so the quicker you are at calculating volumes of cubes and other 3D objects the better. Don't think you need to worry about circles - obviously you won' be expected to know the value of pie by heart!

As for the verbal tests... I'm not sure how best to revise for these. You get nine paragraphs about very random boring things, and then statements afterwards which you have to decide are patently true/untrue/can tell from the text. I found I could get through them quicker if I didn't bother reading the paragraph before looking at the statements - I just had to go back to the paragraph and check again anyway. Might be useful to brush up on vocab and use of words in particular context. Try reading the newspaper regularly - if you don't already - and make sure you go through even some of the boring articles. That's about all I have on that.

Can't think of any other advice. Finally I think it's best if you try not to panic. The maths problems are no harder than at primary 7, it's just that you have to do 25 in 12 minutes. Relax and go in there with the mind that you can pass all of them rather than being scared about how hard they may be. In the end found the psychometric test the nastiest bit - that's for you to find out on the day. Go by PPRUNEers advice and just be yourself. It's the best thing you can do.

Anyway, good luck and let me know how you got on when you're done.
