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View Full Version : USA tour for hour building

4th Jul 2018, 13:49
Hello everyone,
I'm an italian student and next year I want to come in USA for my time building before start to study for the ATPL theory.
In order to visit different states and parks in US I had think to rent a plane and do a trip with it.
I love landscapes photograpy and so I will be very happy if I can plan and do a trip that includes Gran Canyon, Rocky Mountains and some other naturalistic scenarios.
Actually I'm current on PA-28 160hp and 180hp, for this trip I think that the 180hp is better.
I think to come in September becouse I red that is a great period to fly in the North.
The trip must be of 90 FH almost and I plan to do in 4 weeks

These are my questions:
1) Can anyone recomended me some flight school or plane rental for this purpose? I'll come from Italy but I don't know where I'll arrive if west or east coast, but east is more pratical.
2) Does anyone had ever done a similar trips?
3) There are a website where I can do a flight plan? In Italy we have this website (http://www.flightutilities.com/) there is something similar in US?
4) In order to avoid to buy dozens of charts is it possible to use only the Jeppesen app or is mandatory to have a fisical chart?

At the moment these was the only questions that I have, I'll appreciate all tips and tricks you will give me.

4th Jul 2018, 14:59
Hi Icodade,

I used to have this kind of trip about five years ago. Here is the route: https://skyvector.com/?ll=30.88871204936317,-81.92175292359465&chart=301&zoom=6&fpl=%20KSGJ%20KBHC%20KLZU%20KDKX%20I66%20KPTK%20KBKL%20KPKB% 20KBCB%20W78%20KBCB%20KINT%20KLYH%20KLWB%20KBCB%20KEHO%20KWD R%20KMCN%20KDKX%20KAVL%20KJQF%20KWDR%20KVDI%20KSGJ

The school I rent from (Cessna 152) was Florida Flyers in St. Augustine (I did there before my IR on single).

For planning I had SkyVector and ForeFlight (on ipad).

4th Jul 2018, 17:32
Oh wow very nice skyvector thanks a lot.
How about the navigation? Had you used some GPS or you used phisical chart?

4th Jul 2018, 18:50
How about the navigation? Had you used some GPS or you used phisical chart?

I used ForeFlight app on my Ipad and physical charts as backup.

4th Jul 2018, 19:02
Thanks again