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View Full Version : Capita wins Defence Fire & Rescue

Always a Sapper
24th Jun 2018, 18:38
Seems that the MOD have gone and had yet another superb brain fart and have awarded Crapita the Contract to run Defence Fire & Rescue.....

Going by their (Crapita, not Defence Fire & Rescue) previously hard earned record of royally screwing things and even having contracts withdrawn from them part way through by the MOD the Due-Diligence report by the MOD should prove interesting reading if it ever gets published!

Surprised this hasn't already been discussed in this place. Anyway, targets to the front, may squirm when pointed at, ready, in your own time .... carry on!

Just a thought..... But the 'Bat Phone' between ATC and Trumpton next door, wonder if that will be answered by a call centre going forward.... Sort of Press 1 for random cat/pads brat stuck in tree, Press 2 for Fire Risk Assessment Appointment, Press 3 for Plane about to be skidding upside down the runway.... only to then get some right annoying music overlaid by a proper condescending voice telling the caller that their call is important and is no 5 in the queue and will be answered.....

24th Jun 2018, 23:26
Seems that the MOD have gone and had yet another superb brain fart and have awarded Crapita the Contract to run Defence Fire & Rescue.....

Going by their (Crapita, not Defence Fire & Rescue) previously hard earned record of royally screwing things and even having contracts withdrawn from them part way through by the MOD the Due-Diligence report by the MOD should prove interesting reading if it ever gets published!

Surprised this hasn't already been discussed in this place. Anyway, targets to the front, may squirm when pointed at, ready, in your own time .... carry on!

Just a thought..... But the 'Bat Phone' between ATC and Trumpton next door, wonder if that will be answered by a call centre going forward.... Sort of Press 1 for random cat/pads brat stuck in tree, Press 2 for Fire Risk Assessment Appointment, Press 3 for Plane about to be skidding upside down the runway.... only to then get some right annoying music overlaid by a proper condescending voice telling the caller that their call is important and is no 5 in the queue and will be answered.....


Does that mean on the plus side we will get Oshkosh ARFF?? :P :D or upgraded Green Goddesses?

Never figured why we did not buy Oshkosh - even the good old days of 80s, Tthe P-19 still could be air transportable by Herk.. Major airports such as BHX have got the latest Stryker ARFF....maybe the Mod DFS should go that way. Or we could buy E-One? The Dutch have a few E-One ARFF both for their KLu and Marine?


In terms of structural fire firefighting, the USA across all their armed services have anything from LaFrance long ladder platforms/cherry pickers , E-One, Oshkosh, Pierce Arrow..

What experience does Capita have if any apart from computer systems, in terms of providing physical parapublic services?


reds & greens
25th Jun 2018, 05:47
Will the Volleyball pitch get an upgrade too ?

25th Jun 2018, 10:03
Will this lead to a reduction in RAF firefighters and if so who will deploy on operations?

25th Jun 2018, 11:37

As I posted it in the Pensions thread, thought it is apt here too.

25th Jun 2018, 12:21
How long before "we cannot fly today", "why"? "No fire cover"!


Nigerian Expat Outlaw
25th Jun 2018, 14:27
Hard not to smell a really rancid rat. Crapita have royally (and very publicly) cocked up almost every forces related contract they have been involved with.

My son was diagnosed with PTSD post Afghan and after a tribunal chaired by three civilian JAGs he was sent for an assessment upon which hinged his eligibility for therapy. I went with him at their request to act as a witness and confirm his version of symptoms etc.

The assessor was a very young (perhaps 25 max) lady who informed us she was Crapita and had previously worked for HMRC as a secretary. I asked how long her training in the diagnosis of PTSD had been and she told me she hadn't had any !

Needless to say my faith in this firm, especially given their previous "form", is somewhat jaded.

The Defence Fire & Rescue contract is likely to be manned by ex HMRC cooks and civil servants dumped out of other departments. How did they get this ? Who else tendered for it ?

My advice is to not catch fire.


Pontius Navigator
25th Jun 2018, 15:19
NEO, I would guess the first tranche of fire fighters would come from those uniformed who were made redundant. The real problem arises with their replacements as they move on.

25th Jun 2018, 16:46
Just another nail in the Defence coffin.��


Always a Sapper
25th Jun 2018, 19:33

As I posted it in the Pensions thread, thought it is apt here too.

Absolutely no way they were given this contract as a misguided attempt to prevent them following Carillion down the drain? A sort of 'under the table' bail out? Nah, they'd never do that.... Would they? :(

9th Aug 2018, 11:45
Selection of outraged responses to the Capita contract. Take your pick.

https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=firefox-b&dcr=0&ei=PiZsW9qELs7QwAK33o2IDg&q=Serco+challenge+Capita+fire+contract&oq=Serco+challenge+Capita+fire+contract&gs_l=psy-ab.12..33i160k1.5818.17123.0.22643. j4j1.26.0....0...1.1.64.psy-ab..23.1.151....0.AQB0fHU5tZ8



9th Aug 2018, 14:06
Thanks, Flash :ok:

9th Aug 2018, 15:50
Capita get everywhere. We have just been informed that as a result of the new MOD finance system (CP&F for those in the know) which has been introduced to save money, I must now do all my contracting through Capita.....which adds just shy of 13% to my costs.....DOH!

9th Aug 2018, 16:00
J Jack
I bet you don't get 13% add to your budget. Same happened when QinetiQ and Dstl were formed. Costs more than doubled overnight and the Services were told to do without. Same when workshops were privatised. These are just stealth cuts to the defence budget, while lining some friendly pockets. CP&F? Corporate Payouts and Fraud?

10th Aug 2018, 11:40
Absolutely Tucumseh, I was instructed to find the 13% by being 'more efficient'!

Heathrow Harry
10th Aug 2018, 16:56
Capita get everywhere. We have just been informed that as a result of the new MOD finance system (CP&F for those in the know) which has been introduced to save money, I must now do all my contracting through Capita.....which adds just shy of 13% to my costs.....DOH!

That's before they decide what you need is not covered by their contract so they'll have to charge HMG a leeeetle bit extra.......................

10th Aug 2018, 23:56
I used to be an RAF fire officer (well 51 years ago). Wonder if they've got any jobs going - I'm cheap! ;)

Sun Who
11th Aug 2018, 07:04
The next big contract coming up, that Capita are very keen to win, is for Royal Navy individual shore-based training - all of it. Multi-multi-million pound deal. Watch this space...
