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View Full Version : Finas Airways

14th Jun 2018, 07:59
Screened last night (13th june 2018 - Channel 4 2230)), How to start an airline (or not). Really quite astounding, a UK muslim, attempts to start a new airline, while established as a retailer in perfume attempted. he applies 'Alan Sugar' type barrow boy business techniques. Firstly he decides to set up a route between the relatively unknown airports of Lydd and Waterforford, i can not imagine why. He has the idea to charge Llyd and Waterford £250,000 and no parking fees to 'put them on the map', of course they are having none of this. In the middle of all this was a british aviation consultant, who i rather liked, especially when he admonished his client for his time keeping! art of the business plan was to raise money through 'crowdfunding and to be a sharia airline, quite why he thought this was a unique selling point for what an international business, as well as a good way of putting off non muslim passengers. Having set his sight on a big jest he settles for a Jetstream 31, quite how this fits with a sharia airline, with change of separate ablutions for men and women or operating males a females with a curtain. The Jetstream 31 has 23,000 hours was G-LNKS and now 2-LCXD in private ownership, he does't question why the aircraft has been grounded for two years and the reliability of old Jetream 31s. It was not clear what has happened to Firnas Airways.

14th Jun 2018, 08:23
Charge Lydd and Waterford £250k??? That's hilarious.

I think it might actually beat Martin Halstead for delusional behaviour!

14th Jun 2018, 08:41
I too watched this programme and at first I thought I was watching some sort of wind-up!
Making a big deal out of alcohol free flights? He could try Saudia or a handful of others. I looked up Firnas after the programme and found they had previously been in a spot of bother with Companies House but are now up to date. The company was previously known as Heavenman Ltd. Something I couldn't figure out; the jet's current reg is 2-LXCO; what nationality would that be?

14th Jun 2018, 09:11
Shades of Alpha None Airways

14th Jun 2018, 09:48
Something I couldn't figure out; the jet's current reg is 2-LXCO; what nationality would that be?

ICAO Regional prefix: 2- is Guernsey (from 2013)

The Aviation Codes Web Site - ICAO Aircraft Registration Prefixes (http://www.avcodes.co.uk/regprefixcur.asp)


14th Jun 2018, 11:40
See also Times article (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/interview-with-the-man-behind-channel-4s-how-to-start-an-airline-b5rjqz7pw) (I was able to read this without a paywall - wouldn't link to it otherwise)

14th Jun 2018, 11:47
Is he hoping to fly schedules?

14th Jun 2018, 12:53
Is he hoping to fly schedules?

He clearly doesn't know what he wants! His plan is to fly long haul from the UK to the Middle East.. but instead he's been talked into getting a Jetstream 31, and originally set his sights on Waterford, although they've now refused to do business with him.

I believe the current plan is to operate charter flights.

14th Jun 2018, 13:37
Is/was he expecting to make a profit from the Waterford to Lydd route(apart from the 500k from the 2 airports) ?

14th Jun 2018, 15:25
Is/was he expecting to make a profit from the Waterford to Lydd route(apart from the 500k from the 2 airports) ?
Obviously an eccentric Looney.

14th Jun 2018, 15:32
Its quite evident he has no market research done whatsoever

14th Jun 2018, 15:37
Is there much demand for a Sharia airline in Waterford?

14th Jun 2018, 15:43
Hardly, not even much demand for an airline in waterford.

Piltdown Man
14th Jun 2018, 15:57
Obviously a town/city pairing that Muslims regularly travel between in very respectable numbers otherwise there would be no point setting up an airline operating between these two airports. The route is not infidel friendly as there would be no booze, no ham sandwiches and bacon butties. And who would do the flying during Ramadan? Or there again, these are the dreams of a complete muppet.


14th Jun 2018, 21:34
Saw it too
thought it would be an intersting serious attempt at starting an airline
sadly it was all pipe dreams
can any one remember how easy jet stsrted?

15th Jun 2018, 01:57
Easyjet was formed by someone with a very rich family, and in an environment where it could perfect a new concept other people were starting to try.

Having watched this I feel sorry for the guy, given how helplessly clueless he is. And I want to scream at him to drop the obsession with alcohol.

15th Jun 2018, 19:01
Vividly remember how easyjet started and meeting with Stelios when the airline was just a glint in his eye. My company supplied the whole start up infrastructure, aircraft and crews of what was then the paper airline.

The low cost part was modelled on Southwest but the start up structure was innovative for the UK,,, and not entirely popular with some.

As to Finas, haven't watched the programme as yet but looking at the website it appears like a publicity stunt...... but then I remember Stelios saying " You know xxxx, the experts tell me this is impossible".

16th Jun 2018, 01:53
I remember the original plan was a 757 ex BHX to Pakistan years ago. Via ATH possibly.

17th Jun 2018, 07:04
It is Firnas Airways and this report pretty much sums it up ...hope the link works.

I understand his hope is now to operate charters from BOH which is where the aircraft was painted and is now stored

I enjoyed the programme...much better than Emmerdale


17th Jun 2018, 16:18
Enforcing sharia, banning booze and bacon butties doesn't sound like a way of increasing potential ridership. Quite the reverse, it would put many pax off.

21st Jun 2018, 15:35
Did the “investors” from the crowdfunding now lost all their money?

They did a nice scenic charter.

Chartering an aircraft is starting an airline.. imagine the AOC application

What happened after this?

That channel 4 accepted this... Joke..

21st Jun 2018, 17:48
The guy in question used to be an aircraft cleaner at LCY and has an obvious interest in aviation but at the same time he is totally deluded and this whole project will never get off the ground.

I watched the program on Channel 4 but to be honest I found it unbearable to watch and turned Channels within 30 minutes.

Could the title of this thread be changed to the correct name of FIRNAS AIRWAYS.