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View Full Version : Ricardian posted this but it deserves a thread of it's own.

9th Jun 2018, 10:33
Ricardian posted this in the photo thread.

RAF careers apparently posted this today and it is a lesson on how to shoot yourselves in the foot lol..
Does no one proof read these things...

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/34699078_2060085284242301_4186123311366799360_n.jpg?_nc_cat= 0&_nc_eui2=AeFuZkBeYKQP0LEHYaHm94QIjO8bmyfHQTkiazTW2v9M8_1WS-78FpBzoISBPkuxgshPacVrdJ5qL1H4kQ1zeLFu6RdmWDear4AsxZ2unNDSCw&oh=74455f5a0eabe3fccd07b1b72f6f4adf&oe=5BBBA32E

9th Jun 2018, 11:19
I wonder if it was done by the same agency that came up with the RAF Pac-Man roundel?

Chris Kebab
9th Jun 2018, 11:52
Wow, you just couldn't make that up could you!

Is there actually anybody in the whole process that has a scooby about what actually goes on in the RAF? Does *anybody* in a uniform actually monitor what these folks are up to?

In fact it's so crass I'm suspicious it's a wind-up and I've been hooked!

9th Jun 2018, 15:32
Since amended to:
... which I am not sure is much better!

9th Jun 2018, 16:46
Outstanding! :D

9th Jun 2018, 18:53
I have tweaked the original to make it read better :}

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1751/41977549564_d765c5bf37_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/26XpV1y)
RAF AD (https://flic.kr/p/26XpV1y) by Tony Taylor (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142550108@N08/), on Flickr

Pontius Navigator
9th Jun 2018, 20:51
I wonder if it was done by the same agency that came up with the RAF Pac-Man roundel?
of which, what happened to it?

9th Jun 2018, 23:43
Does no one proof read these things...

Apparently not, but while we are on the subject I've just proof read yours.

Ricardian posted this but it deserves a thread of its own.

That's better ;)

9th Jun 2018, 23:59


10th Jun 2018, 14:34
Clowns in meedja land .. who have absolutely no understanding of, nor appreciation for, the Forces let alone the TLAs therein, yet still get given the contract for advertising / marketing. Hence the constant 'mistakes'...

BUT .. which idiot exactly (in the Forces?) signed off on this one? It really is time to start calling these people to account... just as happens in every other occupation and industry. And in those industries they get fired. Because they are fundamentally incompetent and not fit to be 'in post' !!! Why should it be any different just because one happens to wear a certain colour uniform?


10th Jun 2018, 20:31
It really is time to start calling these people to account... just as happens in every other occupation and industry.

Really? Big Airways seems to manage to run with the same clowns in charge...

10th Jun 2018, 23:54
cargosales ... I believe the RAF 1* was identified on the thread about the atrocious RAF100 logo.

11th Jun 2018, 03:55
PVR may be understood by the Old and Bold, but the term used for leaving early is Early Termination, and has been for quite a few years. Consigned to the attic of memories along with putters, NAV bags and shrinking Mess kits.

11th Jun 2018, 10:40
Where was this posted? Can't find it on the recruitment website.

11th Jun 2018, 13:19
cargosales ... I believe the RAF 1* was identified on the thread about the atrocious RAF100 logo.

True MPN11 but there's nothing to say that he or she was the same eedjit who signed off on this latest embarrassment.

Lord Riot
11th Jun 2018, 17:35
Speaking as an ignorant civvy, but massive aviation enthusiast, please could someone tell me what was wrong with the original? I couldn't spot any spelling mistakes. Was it just the lack of a full stop after 'Op' or the O presented as a roundel?

Ant T
11th Jun 2018, 17:45
Speaking as an ignorant civvy, but massive aviation enthusiast, please could someone tell me what was wrong with the original? I couldn't spot any spelling mistakes. Was it just the lack of a full stop after 'Op' or the O presented as a roundel?

In British military speak, PVR stands (or stood) for "Premature voluntary release", in otherwords voluntary redundancy.

11th Jun 2018, 18:02
And the PVR "see your future take flight" is the cherry on the top.

11th Jun 2018, 23:45
PVR may be understood by the Old and Bold, but the term used for leaving early is Early Termination ...

Of course there are other situations where a premature voluntary release can lead to an early termination.

If you can't be good, be careful!

12th Jun 2018, 09:24
Consigned to the attic of memories along with putters, NAV bags and shrinking Mess kits.

I have a NAV Bag and a shrinking Mess kit but no putters! Should I have been issued with putters, and if so, what are they?

12th Jun 2018, 11:00
They are for knocking balls about around ones feet, Puttees on the other hand prevent ones balls from dropping there in the first place.

12th Jun 2018, 15:26
Of course there are other situations where a premature voluntary release can lead to an early termination.

If you can't be good, be careful!
I had a feeling that this would come up at some point during the conversation...

12th Jun 2018, 15:44
I had a feeling that this would come up at some point during the conversation...
​​​Marketing follies.I can't give too much detail, but my present employers love a gimmick or cheesey marketing strapline: a while ago, they came up with " Our competitors are heading in the same direction, but we need to be out at the front, let's all go in the right direction, at speed, and together! " The accompanying photograph on the advert? A transposed photograph of people sprinting clockwise around an athletics track...the senior Marketing Manager was a keen amateur 400M runner. "Oh f***" has never sounded so classy when pointed out to the lady herself😁

12th Jun 2018, 15:49
I had a feeling that this would come up at some point during the conversation...
​​​Marketing follies.I can't give too much detail, but my present employers love a gimmick or cheesey marketing strapline: a while ago, they came up with " Our competitors are heading in the same direction, but we need to be out at the front, let's all go in the right direction, at speed, and together! " The accompanying photograph on the advert? A transposed photograph of people sprinting clockwise around an athletics track...the senior Marketing Manager was a keen amateur 400M runner. "Oh f***" has never sounded so classy when pointed out to the lady herself😁

12th Jun 2018, 18:56
Ahhh marketing follies, how about this one, somehow these food mixers have actually made it to shops with the Shutterstock watermark still emblazoned across the packaging images



12th Jun 2018, 20:11
A bit like this perhaps??

"Time and again when banks, utility firms, insurers and shops are told of a death, they address letters to the person who has passed away.Worse, they send them addressed to ‘the deceased’ or, as I received from one firm: ‘Mrs J. Bischoff, deceased’.

Taken from this article:

'When mum died, Lloyds made grief even harder to bear': Big firms and bereavement This is Money (http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/saving/article-3136488/When-mum-died-Lloyds-grief-harder-bear-Money-Mail-s-writer-moving-account-big-firms-change-insensitive-way-treat-bereaved-families.html)