View Full Version : New CX Pilot Managers

1st Jun 2018, 13:23
Congratulations to the two newest members of the pilot management team. Wonder what the union has to say about it.

2nd Jun 2018, 04:12
Congratulations to the two newest members of the pilot management team. Wonder what the union has to say about it.

What happened to AT ?? has she gone ?? Just curious

2nd Jun 2018, 04:35
What happened to AT ?? has she gone ?? Just curious

She's taking a course at UC Berkley in "Diversity Training". Stand by to shut down CX for a day so she can tell us all how biased we are. Jeez, I never knew !!

2nd Jun 2018, 04:57
She's taking a course at UC Berkley in "Diversity Training". Stand by to shut down CX for a day so she can tell us all how biased we are. Jeez, I never knew !!

Thanks for the reply - her demise from CX is loooong overdue from what I am reading - hope it happens soon - best of luck to you guys n gals


2nd Jun 2018, 14:57
She's taking a course at UC Berkley in "Diversity Training". Stand by to shut down CX for a day so she can tell us all how biased we are. Jeez, I never knew !!

Perhaps we all need a course in “unconscious bias” training like the baristas at Starbucks. Then, it will truly be TTW!

broadband circuit
2nd Jun 2018, 16:43
Funny how one of the new appointees is to a position which was never advertised.

At least I never saw an advertisement for that job.....

Blue Bag Bitch
2nd Jun 2018, 23:51

This is the presentation that AT should be watching.

3rd Jun 2018, 07:13
It is cultural imperialism at its best - to assume that the issues in the US are the same as in HK. Only stopped being a colony 21 years ago,

though urban legend has it that when Air China took board seats, one of their comments was that CX had too many brown cabin crew - cue years of only recruiting in North Asia/ locally. Though that was probably more due to CX no longer wanting to pay for expat cabin crew.

Liam Gallagher
3rd Jun 2018, 07:36
If you didn't see the advertisement for one of the management positions, then it's because you didn't met the criteria of being of a certain gender and having a name that rhymes with "thirsty miff". Had you met that criteria, then you would have known about the position and you could have applied and rest assured that your application would have been processed in a fair, transparent manner.

That's how diversity, sorry "Pilot Developement", works in this brave new world. We must resist labelling people, but should you have a problem with this, then you will be labelled an "-ist" of some description and some people of non-specified geneder in boilersuits will be around to educate you:rolleyes:

3rd Jun 2018, 09:47
Eh - it comes down to the golden rule - treat others as you would have them treat you.

Looking back a generation, when I started, some of the stuff was ****. Porn posters in offices, the law firm's hiring manager that my sister ended up with openly stating to her he only hired women who gave him a 'tingle in his dingle'. All excused as 'banter' or 'having a sense of humour'. If someone asks me politely to call them "he" and "Dave" when they appear to be a Samantha, I would hope I am considerate enough to call them by the name/ title they prefer

3rd Jun 2018, 11:33
I love PPrune. I come here to escape the incessant social justice dogma inundating our daily lives.
Please, not here too!

Liam Gallagher
3rd Jun 2018, 14:58
No Freehills, your attitude is so last millenium. You forget, this is the "look at me" generation.

Have you not seen this poster at work? - "Diversity is asking me to the party, inclusion is asking me to dance." However, what's written in invisible ink after that phrase is this, "... and if you don't ask me to dance, there will be serious repercussions."

The equality argument is so last millenium. This is about building an empire. This is about you and me putting them on a pedestal and bending the knee to grandiose their diversity. They don't want you just calling Samantha Dave or Sam (a non- gender specific name). This is about you saying, "gosh Sam you are really special and you should get special treatment." We can't all just go to work, do our jobs and go home without acknowledging gender and sexuality. We might wear a uniform, but we can't just be uniform.

To make sure we pay due respect, this new world required specific managers to separately represent their interests, surveys to give those managers something to do, meetings/conferences where only issues specific to minorities can be discussed by those minorities and their managers, quotas so minorities are recruited differently, breakout areas so minorities can have space separate from others, "days devoted to each specific group", so we can all annually acknowledge the importance of every individual group, bunting to remind you they are important, posters to put their faces on so they stand apart from you, parades with floats to dance on so they stand apart from you, costumes so they stand apart from you, flash mobs so they stand apart from you, and so on.

Should anyone doubt what I say, just cut and paste this post and put it on yammer under your own (real) name. You would think being a "diverse company", the reaction would be "meh". I bet the reaction would be hostile and you would fired by the week's end.

What a shame we can't just focus on what a company should focus on..... Making a profit.... Remember those days?

4th Jun 2018, 01:58
No Freehills, your attitude is so last millenium. You forget, this is the "look at me" generation.

When you say the “look at me generation” Are you referring to the BTCs, DFTMs and FTMs that take Flight deck videos, cockpit selfies and uniform pictures for their many thousands of social media followers?