View Full Version : ATPL Advice

1st Jun 2018, 01:01
Hey, So I have just had an offer made to me but I wasn't sure to accept to decline it. I wanted some advice from others. Ill just let you know my situation briefly

So I finished ATPL ground school with 5 Fails, I already had my PPL. I went to LA to build some hours and then took my CPL. Safe to say I passed first time. I was going to head back to the UK soon and finish off my IR and then start the hunt for a job.

In the space before I go home I am doing my FAA IR for some instrument experience ready for the EASA IR. The boss came up to me earlier and offered me a 'job' as an instructor. The school will pay for the Training as they are EASA certified so Ill have an EASA instructor rating and ill be able to build a lot more hours. He said for a min of 6 months. They will also cover my accommodation for the time I am flying for them. I can either do this or head back to the UK, complete my IR, MCC & JOC and then go job hunting. AS I'm not a US citizen they wouldn't be able to pay me, so the time i'm here I'd just have to buy personal things like food, clothes, etc... How much of a difference would a significant amount of hours make to finding a job. (I currently have 210)
I'm open to any suggestions that anyone has.

1st Jun 2018, 20:59
I would be very careful there - the Feds could very easily consider that as you working; you are receiving material benefit (hours in your logbook and accommodation) - when it comes to job hunting, a criminal record, deportation and a lifetime ban from the US wouldn’t look good on a CV. Having said that, a free FI course would be nice.
Piston hours don’t really count a great deal nowadays when it comes to getting a jet job, and the time spent getting those hours would be better spent job hunting and networking.
Be careful with your next steps, it looks like you’ve made a bit of a mess of your hour building so far, so make sure everything you do from now on is considered. (By 200 hours you could have had the FAA IR and both the EASA CPL and MEIR)

Banana Joe
1st Jun 2018, 21:08
I'd say go for it, but as rudestuff said you really need the consider the possible risks involved with the feds in the US. Flight instructing can be a rewarding and long-time career. I see both CAE and FTE Jerez are looking for instructors, and so are Lufthansa/Austrian Academy. It's also a nice way to network people and make you way up in the general aviation.

And I'd rather be flying hours, possible as PIC and be paid for doing it rather than sitting home to send CVs.

Anything that keeps you in the loop.