View Full Version : Faf and Glide path?

21st May 2018, 21:58
Hi everyone, I have a few questions for you.
My friend asked me but I have some doubts so I couldn't answer them so I decided to consult you.
He says his company procedures
5 Nm to Glide path
Flaps 1
3 Nm to Glide path
Flaps 5

With Glide path intercept
Flaps 30 and landing checklist. Etc.

At final approach fix
Call passing altitude

He wants to execute this procedures.
The problem is to decide where the Glide path and FaF begin.

We can't decide the Glide path beginning point? and final approach fix? ( in most of the charts faf is represented by Maltese cross, ok this is obvious, but some charts don't have the cross. If no cross how can I understand the faf?

For examples

Charles de Gaulle vor 08L approach
Which faf is 17.3 dme and in this condition we should extend flaps 1 on 22.3 dme, right?
Isn't it too far to extend flaps 1?

Other one is in the pic
Can you guys tell me what is the faf and where the Glide path begins?
Two different pictures of vor approaches

21st May 2018, 23:38
On the charts you have supplied the FAF is at 4.5 DME (coded as FD05). There is no "glide path' as such, as it is a non-precision approach. The approach altitude is 1600ft @ 4.5DME, and the final segment vertical path angle is 3 degrees. An advisory altitude table is provided to achieve this (310ft/NM, though 3 deg is closer to 320ft/NM).

22nd May 2018, 02:45
Basing the configuration on glide path intercept is a poor way of doing things. Far better to base it on distance to the threshold as that yields more consistent results and better aligns with ATC speed requirements which tend to be stated in terms of distance from the runway.

22nd May 2018, 19:25
Also, for a non-precision approach, it is better to be fully configured for landing with checklists complete BEFORE the FAF. Then you can concentrate on a stable approach to the VDP/MAP.

15th Jun 2018, 09:14
Basing the configuration on glide path intercept is a poor way of doing things. Far better to base it on distance to the threshold as that yields more consistent results and better aligns with ATC speed requirements which tend to be stated in terms of distance from the runway.

I don’t really agree. One of our gates (A320) is at the latest 3NM before the FAF select Flap1.
I know some generic profiles are 210 until 12, 180 to 8 then 160 to 4. Doing this at CDG where for rwy 08R you intercept GS at 15nm, means intercept GS in clean speed and no way to decelerate without extending the gear out of sequence...

15th Jun 2018, 10:22
OK, I must admit that I fly a type that can go down the slope at 250 knots and slow down to 200 knots for the first stage of flap in 1000' by just using the air brake. I more had in mind when you get vectored for a late glide slope intercept though. In that case basing your configuration around glide slope intercept can have you configuring late.