View Full Version : EK Bus fleet warning letter writer change of guard.

14th May 2018, 12:10
Rumour has it Gay Tom is on the way out. We should run a poll on if anyone cares who will take his place?

14th May 2018, 12:50
Pedant alert - a POLL might work better. Unless you feel like a shafting

14th May 2018, 13:23
Aw bugga. Should have got the kids to spell check .

14th May 2018, 13:27
Rumour has it Gay Tom is on the way out. We should run a poll on if anyone cares who will take his place?
Is there anybody left who fills the desirable EK requirements for the position?

15th May 2018, 03:20
Is a warning letter not the end of a career in said airline? As I understand it an airline only sends something like that out only if they want get rid of you...nicely!!

Praise Jebus
15th May 2018, 08:02
Good news if true, we deserve variety in our warnng letters. Makes the pool room wall more interesting...

The Outlaw
15th May 2018, 19:39
Does send a message though. There have been a mass exodus of office types in the past 18 months...ever wonder what they know that we don't?

LHR Rain
15th May 2018, 20:40
Does send a message though. There have been a mass exodus of office types in the past 18 months...ever wonder what they know that we don't?

If we don’t know what’s going on here then we have our head in the sand so deep nothing else matters.
Intuitive pilots have known for years this ship is sinking and it’s not getting better.

16th May 2018, 07:35
gta, if EK got rid of everyone they sent a warning letter to they'd have a workforce 1/10th the size... :E

Warning letters are just a way for certain managers to look busy and like they know what they're doing.

A small fraction would actually be genuinely earnt

16th May 2018, 18:10
Rumour has it Gay Tom is on the way out. We should run a poll on if anyone cares who will take his place?

Most likely Al Whatshisname will take his place.

17th May 2018, 13:07
Most likely Al Whatshisname will take his place.


I am sure that there is no Management shortage either, especially with the amount of Al (insert last names here) in Management Cadet Training.

Fix Info
18th May 2018, 12:08
@gtaflyer Sadly, you understand it incorrectly. Warning letters in EK are given out with about the same frivolity as a phaedophile giving candy to small children. If a warning letter was akin to a gentle shove out the door, 3/4 of the fleet would be parked due to pilot shortage.

18th May 2018, 12:59
I have to disagree from what you say. My understanding is about right regarding the warning letter. If you get one of these and I was given a talk by chief pilot of the past that actions would warrant/ constitute sending such a letter means detriment to the said pilots career. Why because if you were honest to the next recruitment airline that you did receive one of these golden handshakes that they would not be interested in hiring you. So I think if an airline practices this then they are effectively nail in the coffin of a pilots aspirations. This is what airline is doing they holding gun to your head future command upgrade refusal etc. I’m sorry I have no patience for any airline that throws out these letters willy nilly. Yes you can lie and say you receive no such letters but upon asking chief pilots may I have reference they will indeed check your file and maybe report them. Like I said it nearly happen to me over dress code and wanting to meet a manager without invitation in past airline..some cabin crew I met have said to me they also had to leave over trivial matters resulting from warning letters.