View Full Version : CASA And Parkinsons Law.

4th May 2018, 23:13
For your delectation this weekend - the origin of CASA's endless rewriting of regulations.


5th May 2018, 01:19
For your delectation this weekend - the origin of CASA's endless rewriting of regulations.


Love it Sunny. A long time since I have read the "Parkinson's Law" piece. Definitely applies to ca$a!!

5th May 2018, 02:13
Saved! Like ...nature abhors a vacuum...so the vacuous mind fills the day with non important appearance of business.

5th May 2018, 09:35
Which is why public servants studiously avoid looking out of the window in the morning, otherwise they'll have nothing to do in the afternoon.

6th May 2018, 03:21
laughs sorely needed...thanks.

Recent newspaper cartoon....
Two bureaucrats /office workers sitting at their screens...One says "Id like to be more proactive with my job but by the time Ive checked my Facebook page and answered all my emails , no time left '
The other turns to the commentator and says " Want to go outside for a smoke "