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View Full Version : New Spotting platforms at Zaventem.

Mad Monk
20th Apr 2018, 12:42
Brussels Airport constructs spotter places in Zaventem and Steenokkerzeel - Aviation24.be (http://www.aviation24.be/airports/brussels/brussels-airport-constructs-spotter-places-zaventem-steenokkerzeel/)

20th Apr 2018, 13:40
Brussels Airport constructs spotter places in Zaventem and Steenokkerzeel - Aviation24.be (http://www.aviation24.be/airports/brussels/brussels-airport-constructs-spotter-places-zaventem-steenokkerzeel/)

It's a real shame that the country which has the greatest number of spotters, the operators of most of our biggest airports treat enthusiasts with almost total disdane, hiding behind the British mantra of "security is paramount" when in reality their mantra is "profit is king".

Heathrow and Gatwick airport operating companies are put to shame by the likes of BRU, as well as AMS, FRA and virtually all Germany's other principal airports.

Hotel Tango
20th Apr 2018, 14:08
The link is to an article published some time ago. The first viewing platform was in fact opened just a few days ago. Sincere congratulations to Brussels Airport management and to the local councils for their excellent initiative and cooperation. A breath of fresh air in this day and age.

It's a real shame that the country which has the greatest number of spotters, the operators of most of our biggest airports treat enthusiasts with almost total disdane, hiding behind the British mantra of "security is paramount" when in reality their mantra is "profit is king".

Absolutely! And the point is that facilities do not need to take valuable terminal space. There are plenty of options around the perimeter.

Mad Monk
20th Apr 2018, 14:50
Quite correct HT, I put up the wrong link, mea culpa. :ugh:
The opening was three days ago.
Brussels Airport inaugurates two new spotting platforms - Aviation24.be (http://www.aviation24.be/airports/brussels/brussels-airport-inaugurates-two-new-spotting-platforms/)
Spottersplatformen in Zaventem en Steenokkerzeel voorgesteld | Ring TV | Jouw zender, Jouw nieuws (http://www.ringtv.be/nieuws/spottersplatformen-zaventem-en-steenokkerzeel-voorgesteld)

20th Apr 2018, 17:32
“We are keen to cater for the plane spotters and all of our fans in their call for a spotting platform to allow them to take better pictures. In close collaboration with the adjacent municipalities of Steenokkerzeel and Zaventem, we have been able to design and build two spotting platforms in a short space of time, which offer an unobstructed panoramic view of two runways and which at the same time serve as an informative and fun place to spend some time for families from the local area”, explains Brussels Airport Company CEO Arnaud Feist.

Can't see too many UK airport CEOs signing off similar statements.....!!!

Hotel Tango
20th Apr 2018, 18:59
Oh, and I see that both spots are in fact open. Excellent stuff by Brussels. Cost them around 700,000 Euros too! Free access and not a shop in sight!

21st Apr 2018, 14:43
The problem is that there are and have been in the past Idiots who have wandered
onto Airfields and strips without permission in some cases Damage has been caused
so Security are not co-operatative. Where BIZ Flights are concerned Clients do not
Want there movements known or pictures taken.
At Farnborough during the build up and after to the SBAC SHOW An enclosure
near the Canal entrance is Available to Registered Police watch members anyone
can Join for about 30+ cars and its been very well used past shows with no problems.

21st Apr 2018, 14:59
The problem is that there are and have been in the past Idiots who have wandered
onto Airfields and strips without permission in some cases Damage has been caused
so Security are not co-operatative. Where BIZ Flights are concerned Clients do not
Want there movements known or pictures taken.
At Farnborough during the build up and after to the SBAC SHOW An enclosure
near the Canal entrance it Available to Registered Police watch members anyone
can Join for about 30cars and its been very well used past shows with no problems.

Perhaps "idiots" are a special UK problem, but I doubt it, and as for corporate operators, nobody is asking anybody to pre-warn / pre-alert enthusiasts about impending arrivals, though there are a myriad enthusiast groups that will do just that on the web. The issue is provision of facilities, which in many European countries, and I believe also at many US airports, are a given. Nobody minds paying to use the facilities, provided the charge is reasonable.

Despite this, for some reason the UK, although it is the most aviation minded country in Europe from an enthusiasts standpoint steadfastly refuses to provide decent facilities, with the result that enthusiasts are forced to pursue their hobby in industrial estates, and on road sides, sometimes in residential areas sometimes I am sure causing inconvenience to local residents and tenants of the business facilities.

It is a short sighted attitude that has everything to do with profit and little to do with security.

22nd Apr 2018, 11:26
I have never had any problems at Spanish airport's. Although not many 'special' areas there are plenty of places to photo and watch but wobetide anybody who tries to digress and the Guardia Civilie will be on you like a ton of bricks. You have been warned! The Spanish enthusiasts are mainly photographers and very friendly I have found as are most Spaniards but try and speak a little Spanish like hola and gracias.