View Full Version : Carlow Pilot Studies or not

2nd Apr 2018, 16:45
I have just been accepted at FTE Jerez but am considering doing the Pilot Studies degree at Carlow before commencing. I just wondered if anyone has any experience of the course positive or negative? I have completed my Alevels in the UK but thought a degree would help with my career and possibly assist with being selected by an airline. However, it is an additional cost on top of all the other costs and didn't want to burden my parents anymore than they are already shelving out. They are keen for me to go but I would like some independent advice before choosing.
Thanks in advance for any feedback

Capt Pit Bull
2nd Apr 2018, 18:44
Recruitment situation is pretty rosy right now. Whether it still will be for you after your integrated course; who knows. But someone starting at FTE now will be graduating mid to late summer 2019.

Whereas, taking a quick glance at Carlow, you can't even start there until September and won't finish until May. Which means you can't START at FTE until June 2019. That means not graduating until Winter 2020.

Honestly..... I'd get on with it and get qualified ASAP.

Also time is money. Why delay earning by 14 months?

2nd Apr 2018, 19:10
Thanks Capt I appreciate your comments. The earliest Jerez can let me start is January so it would only be 6 months delay which isn't bad in terms of getting a degree. But I take on your point about not wasting time which is why I am undecided
Cheers again

2nd Apr 2018, 20:14
Most airline pilots don't have degrees, and I doubt having one will help. At best a degree will delay you getting hired, at worst (if there is a downturn) a degree will stop you getting hired.

2nd Apr 2018, 20:56
Likewise thanks for your reply. Your advice is much appreciated. Obviously I get the positive reasons from those running the course so it's invaluable to get advice from those with an impartial viewpoint

3rd Apr 2018, 08:44
at worst (if there is a downturn) a degree will stop you getting hired.

Please elaborate.

Capt Pit Bull
3rd Apr 2018, 09:42
Because a 6 month delay can see the industry swap from excellent job opportunities to everything grinding to a halt for several years.

To give a personal example; when I was training airlines were so short of pilots that recruiters were waiting at CAA test centres to pounce on successful IR passes.

Throw in Gulf war 1 and Air Europe going bust and recruitment became glacial for about 5 years.

So, if you want to be on this boat, get on it asap.

I went a very slow route because I was essentially skint, but if I'd had access to funding and moved faster it could have made a huge difference. OTOH I had an interesting time in GA for 6 years and picked up a load of other skills that stood me in good stead. Including "how not to develop an expensive lifestyle" and "how to marry a non money grabbing leech"; life skills that I heartily recommend to any young pilot!