View Full Version : USA-Costs?

Rob 747
15th Jun 2001, 20:56
Hello all,

As a proud owner of a new JAA PPL, i am seriously considering hour building in the USA. I do, however, hav a few queries that i need answering before i commit myself.

1.What are the likely costs of a C152 for 50 hrs Possibly 100hrs?
2.How much is the accommodation in USA?
3.How long would it take to get these hours?
4.What is the exchange rate like at the moment?
5.Has anybody had any experiences of American schools?
6.Can anybody recommend a flying school? (i am thinking about Ormond Beach)

All replies would be greatly apprieciated!

16th Jun 2001, 00:57
Why not do some research? For example the exchange rate for the US dollar is not that hard to find out, is it?

16th Jun 2001, 01:58
OBA, pay up front, keep your opinions to yourself, Warriors better than 152's, No refunds, prices cheaper than most, Good class G airspace, bad for non towered airfield and therefore little communication experience, overall good if you don't incur wrath of principal otherwise bad !!!! You choose!!!

16th Jun 2001, 02:01
Give stapleford a call they've got a deal with a flight school in the states flying c152's for a song.

16th Jun 2001, 02:29

Do you have contact details for Stapleford?

Othewise try the following:

Cessna 152:
50 hrs @ $44.00/hr
100 hrs @ $42.00/hr
150 hrs @ $40.00/hr

For further rates on C172/Katana/Seminole and Seneca I email me at [email protected]

Rob 747
16th Jun 2001, 17:29

Would me posting this question on PPRUNE not sho memakingthe effort of ding some research????

How can i possibly research what schols other people reccommend?

Anyway, my main reason for posting this is because i had an E-mail yesteray from a flying school. They were basically telling me about their schol.However, i did not ask for them to send to this. What would you think if you got this e-mail??

http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif

GPS Approach
16th Jun 2001, 18:51

Don't get too offended about some people's responses they have nothing better to do sometimes than wind people up. Although in CAT3CAutoland's defence he was probably suggesting you do a search on this topic as it has been covered many times before.

I' ll attempt to answer your questions for you though.

1. Expect to pay around $45 per hour wet for a C152 (no landing fees at the majority of US airports) do expect to lose a bit of money on re-fuelling though if you fill up away from base.
2.Varies depending where you go, most schools have their own accomadation expect to pay around $150 per week for varying standards!
3. Realistically allow 2 weeks for 50 hours and 4 for 100 hours, you could do it in less, but there may be issues such as plane availability, weather etc.
4. Exchange rate is approx $1.40 to Pound at the moment, if its just hour building you are probably better off looking at South Africa or New Zealand where the exchange rate is very favourable.
5. I did my PPL, Multi Engine rating and some hour buiding at Ormond Beach and I did my FAA CPL/IR at Anglo American Aviation in San Diego California, all last year so I am speaking from recent experiences.
6. I won't state my preference of the 2 here, but if you want to know my opinions on both schools, warts and all, feel free to E-Mail me with you specific questions.

I would definately say that California is better than Florida for hour building though, as the weather is better, it is a lot busier airspace (good practice for the UK) and the mountainous terrain can make for some challenging flying. Also steer clear away from schools at uncontrolled airports, both from an RT practice and safety point of view.

Hope this helps.

GPS Approach.

Aargh, that was the taxiway we landed on!

Rob 747
16th Jun 2001, 19:17
Top one!!!
Nice reply!!
Just what i needed to hear
Check your mail!!!!

By the way, desanybody know of any good schools in SA. This is not the first time people have recommended going to SA over USA!!.

16th Jun 2001, 21:05
Sorry boss, I did not mean to offend, and I will stop being a pratt now and give some useful input :)

I have been to a few flying schools in the US including Ormond Beach (a touchy subject on here). GPS is accuarate with his/her information, however I have rented a C150 for has little as $39 wet from Spruce Creek. I have known people who have been to Britannia and Naples air centre, and both are supposed to be good. I have been to Pan Am which is worth considering, it is a nice school, with good Accomodation and facilities. They have some nice Archer 3's if you are willing to pay out a few extra bucks, I think they are around $84 an hour. If you did decide on a school located in uncontrolled airspace, then even though you do not get the experience who **** loads of ATC (which is good practice), there are usually a good few airfields which lie near or in amoungst Class B/C airspace (Ormond Beach for example lies in Daytona Class C), so you get plenty of quick fire R/T and get to chase B757's on the approach if you choose to land at these airfields :), so I would not worry too much about that, even though GPS may beg to differ. Uncontrolled airspace just means you have to watch out for dick heads in their twins overtaking you at a range of 10ft and cutting you up in the circuit, so you must keep a bloody good look out!

I hope the above helps :).

16th Jun 2001, 21:25
I also trained at Ormond but i wouldn't advise hour building there. Its whole setup is geared for PPL manufacture so they don't let the planes away for an extend slot. And the boss is a complete tosser if he takes a dislike to you.

But then again as they have just lost the SFT contract they will have plenty of slots available (they are good for PPL's so if you are thinking of doing it now might be the time). The other thing is that they rip you off for fuel because he only pays back a 1$ on each gallon which means if you say do the cpl x country you have to pay extra for the fuel.

I have been building with britiana who don't do you for the fuel but can be a bit shambolic. Saying that the good points more than outway the bad and i will be back over with them again.


GPS Approach
16th Jun 2001, 21:51

I was actually referring to the fact there was no tower out Ormond, I agree the airspace is busy around Daytona, but flying over the top of LAX at 10,500ft in a Warrior you really find out what busy is about!

Both good locations to hour build though, its just I prefer California.

Aargh, that was the taxiway we landed on!

20th Jun 2001, 13:48
GPS, can't argue with that mate :)

Simon W
20th Jun 2001, 16:44
I was in Orlando earlier this year and had a look around http://www.flyairorlando.com/frames.htm setup. Alot of the aircraft are brand new. Not sure if anyone has flown with them yet (hour building). Once I have my licence completed I'm considering going over again to get some time.
