View Full Version : The latest AT drivel 7.3.18

7th Mar 2018, 15:17
I swear, these newsletters just keep getting better and better. It’s like being a late night TV comedy host and waiting for your writers to send you the latest jokes and monologue. This week is no exception. Starting off by the DFO excelling herself in the ‘dumb and dumber’ category. After a patronizing and predictable (obsequious fawning to a Govt. minister) ramble about ‘empowering women’ , she then goes on to conclude the whole piece by quoting Mao Zedong ! Oh, Anna, you mean one of the great monsters of the 20th Century, who was responsible for the deaths of over 45 MILLION of his citizens during his tyrannical reign (yes, that little thing). Of course, no surprise that such a person would be the source of your inspiration. Freudian in many ways. Explains quite a lot about the current state of our little empire…

And speaking of women. I didn’t realize we had such a ‘celebrity’ in our pilot midst. I can hardly wait to read about her wisdom and experience on her precious blog. I hope all of my colleagues will be sure to entrust her with their personal information and thoughts. Imagine, you too could be featured in her ‘blog’. I suppose the rules against photos in the cockpit are not being applied in her case. Special. In any event, I’m sure she will be just ‘thrilled’ to bits with her life in a few months once the reality of the Freighter roster sinks in. Should make for some interesting reading then. Looking forward to the “Leaving HK for my new job” post sometime in the next twelve months.

More blahblah drivel about CMP. AT, without actually having proper pilot input, and keeping the old rostering cronies from destroying the optimized patterns, it is all a complete-waste-of-time. It is already well on course to make the pilots lives worse, and become yet another chapter in the book of “Epic CX Failures”. Just ask the Freighter pilots who's lives are being degraded even further (if that was even possible, which apparently it is, with the exception of the epic win described below).

Regarding the bad weather in Europe and the US. I love how you try to slide into your comments how the crew ‘helped out’. My experience is that every day, nearly every flight, nearly every crew member is adamant that the last thing they will do is help beyond the letter of their contracts. And that will be our resolve until we achieve our justified goals, or before most of us have left for other jobs.

GMA Update on Bases: We heard perfectly clearly what DP was saying AT. You intend to shuffle paper around for the next year, and then and only then will you deign to ‘share’ a strategy. That doesn't even mean you will be adding bases, just letting us in on the 'strategy'. So, basically, no bases in the foreseeable future. And I suspect that even if you do offer them, they will be compromised on terms and conditions, and probably only a few slots, over many many years. Nothing to look forward to, and the reason that many of our colleagues are making their plans to leave CX. They are fed up with having themselves taken for fools, and constantly messed about by self-serving managers. To conclude: Yes AT, we did understand perfectly clearly what DP was telling us.

Annual Results: A detailed breakdown as to how one Swire company can siphon off most of their profit to benefit other Swire companies. Outcome: CX doesn’t have to pay their staff a bonus or profit sharing. Will be interesting to see how they manage that this year.

Nice to see that they are attacking the problems on the Freighter fleet. You will be all happy to know that they have installed Tumbler Trays. Success!! Now that the big problem is solved, perhaps they can find some time to tidy up the small items, like rostering, fatigue, seniority, days off, broken families etc... But "Ice Pirates", be happy, you have your Tumbler Trays.

Screening of “Hidden Figures”. Perfect for showing around here. A movie about showing up ' smart technical guys’. More subliminally known around these parts as ‘lets denigrate the pilots’, generally speaking a technique our management have employed for years. Apparently America wouldn’t have got to the moon without the girls, and CX can't aviate without them either (just no diversions, please....:rolleyes:). There is a great moment in the movie, when a long-suffering woman of 'colour' is confronted by her white female boss in the restroom: " You know Dorothy, I don't have anything against you people of colour". Dorothy responds: "And I am certain you believe that". Reminds me in a curious way of OUR management. They tell you things that are ridiculous on their face, and you realise they actually believe what they are telling you. As pathetic in real life as it is in the movie. And I wait with baited breath for 'Male Pilot Appreciation Day' (or how about just give me my 13th month and we'll call it even?).

Kasakhstan Air Astana: another expensive staff travel destination. I suspect that their pilots have a better rostering and leave system than we do. Usually the case.

Pest Control: haha…where could I go with this one. I only wish.

Until next week. Traf.

7th Mar 2018, 15:55
Hitler, Stalin. Rank amateurs compared to MAO.

7th Mar 2018, 16:48
Soon they'll be quoting Hitler and Stalin.

Ya — I usually don’t like to throw personal spears or dwell on trivialities but was thinking about exactly the same thing.

Mao was a very evil individual. I’ve sometimes used reported quotes from him but these certainly haven’t been for anything good he ever did. More like understanding the philosophy and outlook of a brutal totalitarian regime who hurt many people.

Even more ironic in that he was known to use and exploit women even to the reported extent of mothers bringing their underage daughters to him such that they might curry favor with the regime. So he’s probably the last guy on the planet I’d look toward for human rights or women’s advocacy.

Air Profit
7th Mar 2018, 18:19
Ya — . So he’s probably the last guy on the planet I’d look toward for human rights or women’s advocacy.

Yup, and that is the one she used. Says volumes. If nothing else, it certainly implies how truly thick she is to not see the appalling irony in her words. On the other hand, perhaps it was deliberate :bored:

7th Mar 2018, 18:27
Probably wants a job with Air China!!

7th Mar 2018, 19:20
Probably wants a job with Air China!!

Probably, but if they know the first thing about her performance at CX, they’d go running the other way. She couldn’t manage her way out of a brown paper bag. Totally inept and way out of her depth. Next...

7th Mar 2018, 19:32
out of a WET brown paper bag...!!

Apple Tree Yard
7th Mar 2018, 19:43
Standby for the giant Mao poster to be soon hanging off the front of Kitty City. Seriously, to quote one of history's most appalling monsters, without even a sense of irony. We should all be appalled, and AT should be sacked (as if there isn't already enough reason).

8th Mar 2018, 04:09
These Wednesday reads are adding to the mental fatigue levels. It's tiring to process them. I don't know how Traf keeps his energy up. I'm worried he'll suffer "burnout".

8th Mar 2018, 04:15
Some Air China management secondees would be an improvement around now

8th Mar 2018, 05:36
Not to worry, I won't burn out for a very long time yet :E. As a matter of fact, I am taking a perverse delight in detailing the ever more absurd rantings from the DFO and her minion DP. There is some therapeutic value in this for me. Ultimately, I simply seek to clear up any misunderstandings my colleagues may still labour under, and hopefully encourage them to take they and their families to a healthier, happier and ultimately more satisfying career venue than CX. This airline will never get better, and will ruin the lives and careers of any who stay. If I can save one persons career and family it will have been worth it.

8th Mar 2018, 06:51
Probably, but if they know the first thing about her performance at CX, they’d go running the other way. She couldn’t manage her way out of a brown paper bag. Totally inept and way out of her depth. Next...

DFO is little more than a high tech automaton. No matter she quotes Mao or the CEO she's little more than a wind up policy plonk mindlessly and without question following the musings of some authoritarian self-aggrandising elite thug.

Xi, Mao, CEO etc. etc., she'd work well with any of them, perfect personality.

8th Mar 2018, 07:20
First Stage Design, Workshops, No, a WAVE of Workshops, Initial Future Business Process and Solution Design based on Framework Agreement, Detailed Series of Solution Refinement Activities, Then - NEXT WAVE of Onsite Workshops.

Hired, a "Business Stream Lead" Whaaaaa. They hired a IT Consultant to ensure the CMP system puts CX profits first and Crew Last. Read the article again, they said it verbatim " FOP design, which is the last crew group we have to design for"
(i.e. it's designed to optimise for every other "stakeholder" first, crew last !!!

Says it all..

Can't wait to leave; Free at Last, Free at Last, Free at Last...

8th Mar 2018, 07:21
No doubt. All it takes is a complete lack of morality or character and there you have it, quotes from Mao, as they figure even that is probably better than the :mad: they are coming up with.

8th Mar 2018, 07:28
Flex88, you sir are correct. You couldn't make this up if you were a horror writer in Hollywood. I hope those of us still in this airline (getting fewer by the day) wake up to the fact that the value and sanctity of their careers and the security of their families are in grave danger if they stay at CX. Doubt me? Give it 10 years more and we can revisit it here on PPRUNE. I feel pretty safe in putting down a substantial bet on the most negative of outcomes for anyone so blind and foolish who was to stay. Thankfully, most that I speak with are adamant they are leaving. Another case in point, my flight that returned yesterday. Both FO's have interviewed and are awaiting course dates. This airline is doomed, and only our myopic and arrogant 'leadership' can't see it. Of course, that is no surprise as our DFO seems to be spending most of her time studying Mao's 'Little Red Book'. As Flex said, you can't make this up.

8th Mar 2018, 08:30
These newsletters are like the profit share scheme...they're counterproductive.

8th Mar 2018, 10:20
Apart from 2 based guys, who are staying for the time being, of my last 7 flights, 5 of the guys are leaving or have had interviews and applications in. I thought a lot of the chat about the exodus was just that, just bs and hot air with the odd leaver.
But 5 out of 7 flights?? they have to do something quick, and I think its going to have to have big $$ attached to it to pull out from this dive.
Can't believe they screwed the pooch so quick and so bad.

8th Mar 2018, 11:18
I don’t think they will do anything about it. It’s called CFIT, I think they know what they’re doing and it’s calculated and controlled. I just don’t think anyone will have a job here in say, 12-24 months. What amount of money could they throw at those guys who have made the decision to leave? The answer is, within reason, no amount. There is not an amount they could quote me, that would entice me to stay. And that, right there is the problem. Folks have made up their minds to leave, and this is just the beginning of the exodus. The Red Sea has parted for those who want to leave, and are, and the Promised Land awaits! Work rules, a caring company, proper seniority, proper bases, proper fleet transfer, proper rostering, profit sharing, and...Respect. Milk and Honey!

Air Profit
8th Mar 2018, 12:56
Frank, I think you give AT too much credit. You don't make a gaff as appalling as this weeks with the mention of Mao, without being a certain kind of stupid. And I don't think Traf is doing anything other than pointing that out.

8th Mar 2018, 14:22
I think we are all missing the obvious, which is that the Mainland has finally purchased Swire’s shares of CX. AT is just playing to her new masters in Beijing. I bet quoting Mao is quite popular up north and guarantee that the many millions of killings have been whitewashed from the annals of history there. The day we have long fortold has finally come to fruition. My guess is that this will be announced at the annual results press conference. Goodbye CX, hello AC.

8th Mar 2018, 19:03
I think that Cxorcist is correct. The rumor , allegedly, from corporate chums, and it is only a rumor , is that RH has been designated allegedly as the last Swire CEO of CX and that he has been tasked , allegedly, with bringing the airline to sale with the lowest cost base and largest profit margin possible until 2020. This rings true with the unsustainable short term slash and burn policies currently enacted which will not matter to them after their majority shareholding is sold off.

This is how typical divestitures work.

8th Mar 2018, 21:15
Mao murdered more people than Hitler and Stalin combined. It is completely unacceptable that the DFO should praise this bastard.

ron burgandy
8th Mar 2018, 23:13
AT and Mao- both responsible for the departure of more of their own people than anyone before them.

9th Mar 2018, 08:17
I think we are all missing the obvious, which is that the Mainland has finally purchased Swire’s shares of CX. AT is just playing to her new masters in Beijing. I bet quoting Mao is quite popular up north and guarantee that the many millions of killings have been whitewashed from the annals of history there. The day we have long fortold has finally come to fruition. My guess is that this will be announced at the annual results press conference. Goodbye CX, hello AC.

get with the program mate, the current (and forever) president of china is a huge fan of Mao, all his lapdogs like the hk gov officials are doing the same.....the woman just wants a job when cx is finally a state owned company