View Full Version : The Dhofar Insurgency 2 on Facebook

25th Feb 2018, 10:36
For those that served during the Dhofar “troubles” there is a site worth a view on Facebook called ‘The Dhofar Insurgency 2’. It may bring back memories to those that served there and there are quite few photos of the 1972 to 75 period.

25th Feb 2018, 21:00
Thanks piggybank. Dhofar must have been the last CNN-free conflict.......

25th Feb 2018, 21:35
In my time in Salalah I did not see any reporters. I was there for one and a half years 1973 to 44 during the conflict but mainly on the Salalah base. Whenever the chance arose I volunteered for recoveries in the field to see what was going on.

26th Feb 2018, 09:08
Exactly so piggybank - I guess from what you say you were an "AirLurker", one of the many unsung heroes of the time.

I was there '73-'75 so we must have overlapped. I can only recall a couple of press visits is the latter part of my time - maybe after you left. I flew a (Brit) TV news team up on to the jebel on one occasion; on another - NOT ME - a Huey-load of press force-landed near to the airfield, probably because they started up with the blade still tied to the tail ...........

Brian W May
26th Feb 2018, 20:30
Ah, the joys of such a narrow runway, our (C130) copilot flew it straight into the runway as he thought he was MUCH higher and the great big one at Thumrait (Manston?).

Long time ago now . . .

27th Feb 2018, 09:13
Teeteringhead. Yes an Airworkie. I enjoyed my time there. I went there again after a year or so and heard of the crash near the clock tower. As I heard it the pilot had talked the journalists around the helicopter. Unhooked the main blade and left the tie down hanging there. Not such a rare event. In 74 one day after midday meal when we were meant to be finished I wandered to the dispersal and one Huey was parked there besides the medevac machine in the drummed off area. Major C.H. was in his seat with the start button pressed but the main blades still tied down. I was thin and fit in those day and sprinted across to stop him. A close call.

Bill Macgillivray
27th Feb 2018, 20:27

Thumrait = Midway. Manston was West of Salalah up the jebel.


28th Feb 2018, 02:32
I got to Manston for a repair in the field. The air driven cooling fan in the mid-section of the Huey had a seized bearing and stopped working. Manston was a big open space as I saw it and quite a bit of popping noises which I assume was someone firing either toward me or away from me, still unsure on that. I changed the fan over and as I finished a Brit low crawled up to where I was standing and said ‘if you fancy a beer come over to that heap of rocks’. Inside were two or three men including Maj. Colin H. all holding a beer. That beer tasted so good.