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View Full Version : So... who is the minister for Transport?

Horatio Leafblower
15th Feb 2018, 07:45
Given that Barnaby is currently somewhat distracted, can someone please tell me who in the Government is presiding over the destruction of the General Aviation industry? :confused:

Checklist Charlie
15th Feb 2018, 09:11
The same people as for ever......CAsA


Lead Balloon
15th Feb 2018, 09:35
Surely you’re not silly enough to believe that the talking head who happens to be called “Minister” has any effect on the regulation of aviation safety, HL?

There’s probably a net benefit for GA if the “Minister” is distracted by more important matters arising from the consequences of the apeture into which an appendage was inserted.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all get paid leave for the terrible stress caused by inserting an appendage into the wrong apeture.

Lego Pilots
15th Feb 2018, 18:29
Given that Barnaby is currently somewhat distracted, can someone please tell me who in the Government is presiding over the destruction of the General Aviation industry? :confused:

It's another " Kick in the Guts " for the Aviation Community Leafblower = thats the answer !

What about the Gravy train that's followed...

Sad news for average Australian Families with Christian Values to boot.

How do parents explain this kind of behavior " ESPECIALLY THE DEPUTY PM " to their kids ? ? ?



16th Feb 2018, 06:03
It's another " Kick in the Guts " for the Aviation Community Leafblower = thats the answer !

What about the Gravy train that's followed...

Sad news for average Australian Families with Christian Values to boot.

How do parents explain this kind of behavior " ESPECIALLY THE DEPUTY PM " to their kids ? ? ?



Whatever happened to personal accountability (and honour) in our treasured political system? Time for Barney to resign and bring in a better person! Read this if you have time.

The relevant paragraphs that matter -

16th Feb 2018, 07:13
Whatever happened to personal accountability (and honour) in our treasured political system? Time for Barney to resign and bring in a better person! Read this if you have time.

The relevant paragraphs that matter -

Plus the rest of it, This is why, purportedly, they have the title "Honourable"!!

Pinky the pilot
16th Feb 2018, 09:16
Nothing honourable about any of the (expletives deleted) members!:mad:

Cynical; Who..me??:*

16th Feb 2018, 11:25
Well at least you can't depart him to NZ as he relinquished his citizenship!

17th Feb 2018, 02:55
If any anyone other than a politician had an extramarital affair would it really be the kiss of death to a career?

Marriages these days are generally not treated with the same respect that they were several generations ago.

Should Barnaby be sacked for a younger woman getting him into the sack?

I don't think so. He was always a highly respected hard working guy in Central NSW and I don't think he deserves the flack he is getting now.

It makes you wonder who they are going to replace him with or, who is
going to make the headlines next after using 50 Shades of Gray as a training manual.

Can anyone tell us what kind of job he has been doing as the Minister of Transport with respect to Aviation?

I'm completely out of that loop.


Whatever happened to personal accountability (and honour) in our treasured political system? Time for Barney to resign and bring in a better person! Read this if you have time.

The relevant paragraphs that matter -

Horatio Leafblower
17th Feb 2018, 03:47
Can anyone tell us what kind of job he has been doing as the Minister of Transport with respect to Aviation?

He only took on the mantle of Minister for Transport and Infrastructure once the By-election was over in early December.
Christmas - he was acting PM while Malcolm was on holidays.
January - he was on holidays while all this palaver brewed up.
February - he's been preoccupied.
....but if it's any help, his office was still looking for an Aviation policy advisor in late January.

I'd suggest he's been doing a really crap job of everything except saving his own neck :mad:

Bend alot
17th Feb 2018, 04:41
Barnaby could not understand section 44 of the constitution, It seems self-explanatory to me.

Then, when he was found to be a New Zealand citizen as well as Australian, be still refused to even stand down and insisted on using every last tax payer funded resource to hold on to his position including about $3 million for his and the other 6 high court costs.

Evidence suggests that several "expenses" have been incurred and funded by the tax payer to foster Barnaby's affair.

Questionable job placements and job creations are linked to Barnaby for his mistress/partner.

Barnaby gets free rent from an influential business man, that he has previously spent $5,000 of tax payer funded for food and drink at hotel.

I think it is clear where Barnaby's priorities are in relation to aviation and that is free business class travel for him and his partner & frequent flyer points.

17th Feb 2018, 04:43
I thought John Anderson was Minister for Transport?

Lead Balloon
17th Feb 2018, 05:14
Comfort yourselves with the knowledge that while the pollies are distracted to citizenship controversies and office affairs, they aren’t meddling with things the don’t understand. Like government.

17th Feb 2018, 06:05
Should Barnaby be sacked for a younger woman getting him into the sack?

I don't think so. He was always a highly respected hard working guy in Central NSW and I don't think he deserves the flack he is getting now.



What Joyce has done is completely disregard his responsibility as Leader of the Nationals, his responsibility as Deputy Prime Minister, his responsibility to the Coalition, his responsibility to his wife and children, his responsibility to his new partner, his responsibility to his electorate, and his responsibility to Coalition voters in general.

He doesn't deserve the slightest sympathy at all as far as I'm concerned, and should just piss off RFN. :*

17th Feb 2018, 06:06
If any anyone other than a politician had an extramarital affair would it really be the kiss of death to a career?

Marriages these days are generally not treated with the same respect that they were several generations ago.

Should Barnaby be sacked for a younger woman getting him into the sack?

I don't think so. He was always a highly respected hard working guy in Central NSW and I don't think he deserves the flack he is getting now.

It makes you wonder who they are going to replace him with or, who is
going to make the headlines next after using 50 Shades of Gray as a training manual.

Can anyone tell us what kind of job he has been doing as the Minister of Transport with respect to Aviation?

I'm completely out of that loop.


Look at Bill Clinton. Denied it, then admitted it and apologised and the world moved on and forgot. I guess one has to be the president of the USA to get away with extra marrital affairs.

17th Feb 2018, 06:30
Comfort yourselves with the knowledge that while the pollies are distracted to citizenship controversies and office affairs, they aren’t meddling with things the don’t understand. Like government. LB,
That is cold comfort in the aviation sector, given the "demonstrated competence" of CASA, as the guardians of something called air safety, and Airservices, whose "well regarded abilities" will be the subject (along with CASA) at the next Senate Estimates.

As for Barnaby, the hyperventilating has been quite extraordinary, and apart from the "usual suspects" (opinion makers/Balmain basket weavers/chardonnay socialists/watermellons/Greens/warmists catastophists/ABC "experts"/ratbag of choice) all with addresses within 10km. of a GPO, and to whom a cowpat is a friendly gesture, the political opportunism dressed up a moralising has been quite something. Except from Tony Burke, I wonder why??

Something I should point out: It was the Nationals that kept the Government in at the last Federal election, and it will be the National/QLD LNP that will determine the outcome of the next Federal election.

So, if you think a Bill Shorten/CFMEU government is the answer to aviation's survival prayers, with a traditional inner city lefty as the Minister, cheer on the present nonsense.

But, if you are out in "the bush", among real people, not inner city hipsters, the people where the price of a a smashed avo. on toast is not an existential issue, the attitude is very different.

Tootle pip!!

17th Feb 2018, 07:47
Tony Windsor doesn’t live within 10 k’s of a GPO and he’s the Beetrooter’s harshest critic:hmm:

Horatio Leafblower
17th Feb 2018, 08:31
But, if you are out in "the bush", among real people, not inner city hipsters, the people where the price of a a smashed avo. on toast is not an existential issue, the attitude is very different.

I can tell you LeadSled, here in Barnaby's electorate the Peasants are revolting. The disgust at the shallow cynical policies and the pork-barrelling and the cover-ups is palpable.

...and some are even pissed off about the infidelity.

It's pretty rich, you pretending to be the voice of the Country people from Glenalmond Close in Gordon.

We al agree that an ALP government would be worse for General Aviation in Australia, but I honestly wonder by how much.

17th Feb 2018, 09:12
I can tell you LeadSled, here in Barnaby's electorate the Peasants are revolting.

....in the words of the King [read Barna-bye-bye] in the Wizard of Id after Rodney told him "Sire, the peasants are revolting"...the King replied "I know they've always been revolting!"

Section28- BE
17th Feb 2018, 10:59
And 'it' isn't over- yet..... more enroute (for want of a term), Apparently.

S28- BE

18th Feb 2018, 04:28
Barnaby's indiscretions make him a perfect Minister for aviation.After all, CASA has been $%^$ing anything that flies for years. To put that another way, Barnaby and CASA? Perfect match!

Pinky the pilot
18th Feb 2018, 04:53
Barnaby's indiscretions make him a perfect Minister for aviation.After all, CASA has been $%^$ing anything that flies for years. To put that another way, Barnaby and CASA? Perfect match!

Sunfish for poster of the year!:ok:

18th Feb 2018, 05:21
"Glenalmond Close" ??? Where's that??
The last two of our properties to bear the name Glenalmond were close to Gunnedah, and in the hills at Nundle.
I would agree that there are are quite a few folks around Tamworth who are not impressed by the personal antics, but a lot of the "smoke and fire" at present, including some within the National Party factions, is all about short term political opportunism.
I don't know what the final outcome is going to be, but I do know Barnaby had the potential to be a far better Minister for aviation that the recent drones, regardless of party.
Tootle pip!!

PS: Just to be clear, I stand by everything in my original post, most of the "fire and fury" is being generated among the self-appointed "inner city elites", not out in the real world.

18th Feb 2018, 19:59
Just to be clear, I stand by everything in my original post, most of the "fire and fury" is being generated among the self-appointed "inner city elites", not out in the real world.

I'm not too sure of that LS.

From Newspoll released this morning:

The Australian reports that in the overall breakdown of voters wanting Joyce gone, 29% say he should step down as Nationals leader but stay in parliament as a backbencher; 21% believe he should step down and not contest the election; and 21% say he should leave politics at once.

Regional voters were more inclined to say he should go from parliament at once (25%) than city voters (20%). Men were more inclined than women to say he should leave politics immediately (23-20%).

Source: https://theconversation.com/voters-tell-barnaby-joyce-to-quit-as-leader-newspoll-92014

Another slant on the poll:

A majority of Australians believe Barnaby Joyce should resign as Nationals leader following his extramarital affair with a former staffer, the latest Newspoll reveals. Up to 65 percent of voters across the country believe the deputy Prime Minister should resign with a third of those also supporting Mr Joyce to quit Federal parliament. Newspoll quizzed 1632 voters from across Australia including those from regional areas and cities for the findings released on Sunday.

Source: https://www.9news.com.au/national/2018/02/18/21/55/barnaby-joyce-should-resign-newspoll

And just to be clear, I'm a male voter from the bush, and I am in complete agreement with my 'real world' demographic group.

Although Sunfish's views seem relevant, Joyce needs to go. :mad:

18th Feb 2018, 20:30
Well it makes you wonder how he can perform any job while suffering from the self-inflicted stresses of choosing to procreate. Not that it matters, I do not recall any minister for transport actually doing anything other than allowing it to escalate its inefficiencies and expedite the destruction of GA.

18th Feb 2018, 21:59
Latest gossip is that Barnaby will be gone in Three days. Perhaps there is a little matter of accommodation allowances?

18th Feb 2018, 22:25
All very sad, and such a waste.
Tootle pip!!

18th Feb 2018, 23:33
All very sad, and such a waste.
Tootle pip!!

Yep, Barnaby did waste an awfully large amount of taxpayer money!

Section28- BE
19th Feb 2018, 09:47
What the Fish said- doesn't really matter 'what it is', don't know (is there not yet enough????).

Think, Uncle Rupert publications.......... Apparently, they are not yet all done and silent on the matter......., anyhoo.

Rgds all
S28- BE

23rd Feb 2018, 02:30
Latest gossip is that Barnaby will be gone in Three days. Perhaps there is a little matter of accommodation allowances?

Goneski......... just about right on the money Sunfish :ok:

Full transcript: Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce resigns (http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/full-transcript-deputy-prime-minister-barnaby-joyce-resigns-20180223-p4z1g3.html)

I guess he'll just have to find a crappy job working for some poor Chinese company needing some real estate advice?

23rd Feb 2018, 11:15
I wonder which country he will be made ambassador to!!

From SMH
He has spoken repeatedly about the importance of a secure heterosexual union, arguing against same-sex marriage while breaking his own vows. He argued against a national cervical cancer vaccine on the grounds it could make young women promiscuous. He featured his family prominently during his byelection campaign last year. In an interview with The Weekend Australian, he revealed he had placed his wife through a strict vetting process, surmising: "No point starting a project you can't see the end of." Except that he was, apparently, then staring at it.What a great representative he will make - NOT

23rd Feb 2018, 19:05
More likely he is lining up a job working for Gina Rinehart.

Bend alot
24th Feb 2018, 03:42
Joyce said “without a shadow of a doubt” he would remain the member for New England, but did not rule out a return as deputy prime minister.

Seems still going to sit on the backbench for a bit, if he keeps getting heat over more sexual harassment charges he might even need to become an Independent (bit like Craig Thomson - I expect Barnaby's legal costs are currently a Nationals party liability).

24th Feb 2018, 05:47

#3 LB ponders -

There’s probably a net benefit for GA if the “Minister” is distracted by more important matters arising from the consequences of the apeture into which an appendage was inserted.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all get paid leave for the terrible stress caused by inserting an appendage into the wrong apeture.

What is an aperture? An aperture can be any of these things -

opening, hole, gap, space, slit, slot, vent, passage, crevice, chink, crack, fissure, perforation, breach, eye, interstice.

I have a passing preference for 'eye'; because it puts one in mind of one of the greatest of Biblical quotes -

"I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Then again , dearly beloved, let us reflect upon Hebrews 13.8 -
Jesus Christ!! - the same - yesterday, today and forever. (http://biblehub.com/hebrews/13-8.htm)

(Gladly shall I be burnt at the stake, if I can't be stoned.)

4th Mar 2018, 08:49
His decision making skills seem a bit flawed.

He now claims he will not seek a paternity test
and "will raise the child as his own".

It appears Vikki may not like to be alone and or
just can't put down her copy of 50 shades of gray.

That raises the question of what the biological father is going to say
about that and how is Barnaby going to promote the child's
relationship with the real father, assuming he shows up.

Anyone got any ideas on who the real father is?

I wonder which country he will be made ambassador to!!

From SMH
What a great representative he will make - NOT

The Green Goblin
4th Mar 2018, 08:57
Wouldn’t be surprised if the father is Bill.

It’s all incestuous in politics. Left or right, green, red or blue. They should all be sent somewhere far away.

4th Mar 2018, 09:10
They should all be sent somewhere far away.

They were and are. That is how Canberra was founded.