View Full Version : Airside pass, 5 year referencing?

13th Feb 2018, 10:51

I need a five year reference history check for my new job. It’s not a problem as I’ve been employed for the last seven years by the same company.

The problem; my Dad has been my boss as he owns the company and lives at the same address as me, is this a problem with regards to referencing?

Does anybody have experience with 5 year history checks? Or experience with airside passes at airports?


14th Feb 2018, 14:13
Is there nobody else at your dad's co who can sign a reference? I had the same issue with my son, but had somebody else at the company write the reference for him. As an authorised signatory, I could sign the application form but not the reference. If there is nobody else, a good personal reference together with your dad's company reference should be ok. If in doubt, get the authorised signatory at your new employer to speak to their account manager at the airport ID centre.

14th Feb 2018, 14:17
Yes, some good advice! I think I should be able to get somebody else at the company to sign it on my Dads behalf.

I was just keen to get other people’s views/opinions on the best course of action.

16th Feb 2018, 03:12
Get someone else at the company to sign it.

If this is not possible then apply now for a 5year tax HMRC history as this can take up to 45 days to process. This will hold back your pass.