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View Full Version : old stager

crack a fat
14th Jun 2001, 04:09
Any work for geriatric 737 F/O?

Lots of hours ATPL prefer tax free any ideas?

Cant reside in UK.

14th Jun 2001, 10:30
tax free?!!!!! er, prostituition, drug dealing, fraud......., or you could try the news of the world etc. add usually goes "minimum outlay and expierence, a few hours a week can turn you into a millionaire, just like me!"
if you know other wise let me and all the other poor saps struggling to scrape the naccessary flying tokens together know!

14th Jun 2001, 17:33
Wrong forum - this one's for those still trying to get their licences! I'll move you to 'Questions', where you might have more luck.

Wannabes Forum Moderator
[email protected]