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View Full Version : Two heli rescues off Tasmania in two days ...

Warm Ballast
15th Jan 2018, 09:25
... one 150km offshore ...

Sydney to Hobart yacht sinks, another runs aground, in hectic 24 hours off Tasmanian coast - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-01-15/sydney-to-hobart-yacht-sinks-another-aground-off-tasmanian-coast/9330806)

Flying Bull
15th Jan 2018, 17:03
Well done, but
what really p..... me off, that these guys spend thousands of dollars to make a light raft and race but donˋt invest into their own safety, relying on others to take risks to save them if anything happens.
There is a lot of stuff swimming around in the sea, from logs to submerged containers. Hitting that stuff with a lightweight boat at high speeds will rupture the hull.
Wish, the racing organizer makes emergency flotation gear for these boats mandatory!

15th Jan 2018, 17:17
A couple of nice meaty jobs - well done to the crews:ok::ok:

FB - boat.....not boot - however, your English is light years ahead of my German so I'm not criticising, just trying to help:)

Flying Bull
15th Jan 2018, 17:27
A couple of nice meaty jobs - well done to the crews:ok::ok:

FB - boat.....not boot - however, your English is light years ahead of my German so I'm not criticising, just trying to help:)

You ˋ re right, corrected it.
Problem was, that Boot in german is boat in english, so it didnˋt look to wrong 😉

15th Jan 2018, 22:21
Speaking of Emergency Floats, interesting that the Ambulance Victoria AW139 that rescued them isn't equipped with them... bit of a risk if something goes south.

16th Jan 2018, 06:52
Das Boot ...... now, there was a film! Klar machen zum Auftauchen!