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View Full Version : atpl exams - which did you find the most difficult?

14th Jun 2001, 01:21
I`m an engineer doing PPL with a view to taking it further.My question is for those of you who have done the ATPL exams. Were there any subjects that caused you any particular trouble? I would be interested to see if there`s a trend.

14th Jun 2001, 15:00
Performance seems to still cause a few problems. Took me two attempts to get it.

Think it's very much an individual thing though. Know guys who have struggled to get a pass in, say, Air Law, yet breezed through seemingly more complex subjects like Instrumentation or General Nav first time.

Capt Wannabe
14th Jun 2001, 15:03
Without a doubt, Human Performance. Give me Instruments or General Nav any day.

The original not the imposter!

14th Jun 2001, 15:19
Only sat 7 so far but I would say Gen Nav and Air Law!!

Gen Nav because there is less theory and more calculations that can be easily cocked up.

Air Law because there is so much of it and its just so bland! Essential to know for any pilot but it does just go on and on.

VFR & IFR Comms could be sat NOW with no study and you would still walk out with 90+

14th Jun 2001, 16:22
Perf A.
Without a shadow of a doubt.

14th Jun 2001, 17:01
I am also and engineer. The techs are fine and you will have a big advantage over the other non engineers. But i found Airlaw boring in the same league as econmics. HP is at least interesting but there is just so much of it.


The man formerly known as
14th Jun 2001, 17:43
No-one does this any more but mine was definately Morse Code .

It was the most tense exam I have ever been in.

You JAA guys have it easy. I understand, however, they have made up for the removal of Morse by making all of the other exams harder.

Good luck to everyone taking them, you'll get through, then you'll forget everything you ever learned.

Strangely Brown
14th Jun 2001, 17:46
Electrics - would have preferred to learn Urdhu

14th Jun 2001, 23:20
Air Law was worst... because of the sheer volume, and the fact that 90% of it is totally irrelevant. So the 16th Annexe to the Chicago Convention deals with environmental protection, whoopeedoo.

I'd much rather have done a Morse exam :-)

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