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View Full Version : Cessna alongside the A65

23rd Dec 2017, 20:28
I was passing through Ingleton last week on the A65 and there was what looked like a blue and white Cessna 206 parked alongside the road in a haulage yard. It was draped in christmas light but no reg was visible.

Any ideas as to its origin?

24th Dec 2017, 07:40
Wichita, probably.

24th Dec 2017, 08:06
I was passing through Ingleton last week on the A65 and there was what looked like a blue and white Cessna 206 parked alongside the road in a haulage yard. It was draped in christmas light but no reg was visible.

Close, but no cigar. It's a rather bent Cessna 210:


AAIB investigation to Cessna 210D Centurion, G-OWAN - Runway excursion during takeoff, Tosside Airstrip, Lancashire, 5 September 2015 (https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/56cd73cfe5274a14f200000c/Cessna_210D_Centurion_G-OWAN_03-16.pdf)

El Bunto
24th Dec 2017, 10:24
Not a bad guess given the appearance! Technically a 210D is just a retractable-gear 206. Actually vice-versa; the 205 was a fixed-gear 210B and the 206 was a refinement thereof.

It wasn't until the 210G that the two families diverged.

24th Dec 2017, 11:05
That looks like it. Many thanks, also for the correction of the model. I couldn't see the gear from the car and the struts made me think it was a 206.

25th Dec 2017, 06:52
And here's another one. There appears to be a Cessna in the grounds of Shiplake College (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.4979792,-0.8934868,229m/data=!3m1!1e3), on the banks of Thames between Reading and Henley. Must have walked past it several years back.

I found info that 172 G-ASLC crashed near there in 1970 but I suspect the two are not related. ;) I imagine it's a toy for the engineering department.

Merry Christmas!

25th Dec 2017, 18:46
And here's another one. There appears to be a Cessna in the grounds of Shiplake College (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.4979792,-0.8934868,229m/data=!3m1!1e3), on the banks of Thames between Reading and Henley. Must have walked past it several years back.

I found info that 172 G-ASLC crashed near there in 1970 but I suspect the two are not related. ;) I imagine it's a toy for the engineering department.

Merry Christmas!
Private strip a mile or so north at Harpsden, plus Crazies Hill (wartime) RLG just east of Henley.

26th Dec 2017, 20:49
I found info that 172 G-ASLC crashed near there in 1970 but I suspect the two are not related.

G-ASLC was substantially damaged while attempting to take off from a field near Shiplake following a precautionary landing, so it can't be the intact-looking aircraft visible at the College on GE.

It can't have been there long - it's not visible on the 2014 GE imagery.