View Full Version : Departure and approach briefing

22nd Dec 2017, 11:10

I am not sure if this topic belongs on this forum but I wanted to ask how do you do a briefing for departure or/and approach. Is there some kind of "formula" how you do it?

Also, I would like to know what happens in the pilot briefing room. What topics are discussed etc...

Thanks a lot in advance :ok:

22nd Dec 2017, 16:40
Briefing room is for weather, planning minima, NOTAMS, brief the cabin crew, if there are limitations on cross winds etc maybe decide who will operate which flights, and fuel planning.

Departure and arrival brief should be interactive and relevant. If it's someone who haven't flown with before, or not in a while, probably a full brief on ground emergencies and vital actions for evacuation, then any emergency turn should an engine fail after V1.

Then into how you will actually fly the departure, relevant nav aids and track, how you plan to use the autopilot, and specific threats to the day (complicated SID, low QNH increasing risk of level bust, high terrain, lots of birds) although it is pointless briefing a threat unless you are also briefing something you plan to do to manage/mitigate the threat.

22nd Dec 2017, 21:20
We don’t have pilot briefing rooms so we brief everything on the aircraft.
The big picture and the small picture.
Big picture: route overview, weather enroute, jet stream, turbulence, volcanic activity and so on.
Small picture: runway in use, taxi route, Instrument departure procedure, automation intent, local threats such as terrain, engine out procedure and take off briefing.