View Full Version : An Ode to absent 'business leaders' industry wide

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22nd Dec 2017, 04:45
T’was the week before Christmas and there wasn’t a sound, not a flight standing order issued, a business leader's latest missive or a policy amendment to be found…
With word processors silent, ‘break out’ rooms vacant, the only hum throughout bullsh*t castle belonged to the cleaner softly whistling a tune.


It is without these vital and well compensated individuals, the desk warriors, those individuals who find a late finish to be after 5pm, an early sign on before 8 that airlines still do what airlines do: Get passengers safely to their destination with the minimum of fuss. For those on the line, flying at this time of year has a peculiar upside; less BS!

As the ‘business leaders’ devour another round of pudding, with extra custard, as they earned it, around the world a pattern repeats, a pattern familiar to those who are the airline people: Flight planners generate plans, aircraft are cleaned, catered and fuelled, baggage is loaded and oil topped up. Customers are checked in, the passengers greeted and the pilots get ready to again slip the surly bonds.

Those ‘leaders’ now undoing their waist belt, and collapsing in the chair for a well-earned post lunch snooze, drift off to sleep comfortable that their efforts have ensured that budgets are met, labour cost curtailed, policy amended(again) and not a penny spent on a mince pie for those who are actually generating the revenue on a special day.

A job well done: Rest comfortably dear leaders.

Well rested after their weeks off, they return and generate more acronyms, policy changes and paper that alone could reverse any climate change generated from burning hydrocarbons.

Their self-delusion is so complete, that no self-reflection is permitted; to them it is us who don’t understand the vital role administrators perform. At the blunt end of the spear hardships are frequent, regular supply shortages see no bran muffins and limited organic coffee. Hawaiian shirt day raised only half the funds to save the unicorn. A memo will fix it for sure. And off the cycle goes again. Paperwork is not a task for the faint of heart!

In their honour, borrowing from and apologies to, Sir Winston Churchill:

'Never in the field of corporate endeavour is so much generated, by so many for so little revenue'.

To those that make an airline, at this time of year, best wishes for the season! :ok:

22nd Dec 2017, 08:17
And to the Chief pilots who do not fly, and have every weekend and public holiday off......I salute you too.

22nd Dec 2017, 09:06
Plausibly true too ...👍

22nd Dec 2017, 17:07
Just once I’d like to see our esteemed leaders experience the pure joy of watching their kids open their Xmas presents
.......on Skype...,.again!

22nd Dec 2017, 23:07
It’s the miracle of Christmas...