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View Full Version : For which course is my horse?

Vicious Squirrel
13th Jun 2001, 18:13
Hi folks,

Bit of an 'either way, depends on....' question for y'all. I'm looking at doing a modular ATPL on a full time basis and was wondering whether or not the £3000 or so saved on doing a distance learning ATPL course is worth the loss of direct, full time tuition in these subjects? Considering that distance learning is aimed at evening study and I'll be able to devote 9-5 minimum to the books, will the extra tuition available from a full time course make the learning easier and give me an advantage in the final exams? Would it be possible to do the ATPLs in 25 weeks 9-5 self study?

I'm not expecting a definitive answer here, I'd just like to get a few opinions. Did it work for you?

Thanks for sharing ;)


13th Jun 2001, 18:20
You could proberly get away with 15 weeks if you put your back into it. And the swot up 2 weeks are great thats when you get the feedback questions and sort out the problems you have.

My current contract will finish in 1 month and i intend to finish phase 2 of the OAT course in 5 weeks full time study at home before getting another contract. This is very dependent on the weather and the number of people willing to go scuba diving with me.


[This message has been edited by mad_jock (edited 13 June 2001).]

Luke SkyToddler
13th Jun 2001, 18:59
You should absolutely wallop the ATPLs if you're doing it 9 to 5 for that length of time, distance learning or not.

I agree with mad jock here, from what I've seen of the JAR ATPL syllabus I reckon it 'should' be easily do-able in 3 months full time, provided you speak English as a first language and are capable of tying your own shoelaces :rolleyes: I certainly can't see where they get off on charging 5 grand and taking 6 months worth of full time training for the wretched things anyway.

13th Jun 2001, 19:05
This may seem a really stupid question then but.....

If you were to do your ATPL theory distance learning and then the flying portion of your course full time at one school - say Pan Am in FL - does that count as an integrated course or modular?

13th Jun 2001, 19:14
Modular i am afraid, because you don't get to watch all the nice videos that intergrated do. And i presume that there hour building is more structured to the pub crawling with a tent the rest of us do round the US


Vicious Squirrel
14th Jun 2001, 14:36
Thanks for the replies folks, it's heartening to hear that the apparent time taken for home study appears to be less than I'd thought, though I'm sure it depends on the individual. It's also good to know that the self study route isn't necessarily more difficult than the full time.

I guess allowing for 25wks for completion gives a good buffer for any hiccups along the way (not that there'll be any of course *ahem*) ;)
