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Tired ATCO
5th Dec 2017, 03:20
Just a quick note regarding the new airspace coming into affect on 7th December

The powers that be have agreed and put in place in many’s opinion an unsafe, inefficient airspace design.

There are many problems within ATC at AUH. However the main focus of this post is a friendly warning to pilots to please be on your guard for the foreseeable future.

The new airspace has SIDS and STARS that are not separated from each other with an amazing amount of conflict points. Far more than I have ever seen in any airspace.

Currently AUH don’t have the correct amount of staff to man the new position it requires. They have also cancelled leave meaning many controllers are fatigued. Put this together with a very unsafe airspace and I am truly concerned that a serious incident is a real possibility.

It will be interesting to hear your options after the 7th. We are told that it is fuel efficient but I’m sure within a matter of days you guys will realise that isn’t the case.

Stay safe

5th Dec 2017, 10:08
Thanks for the heads up!

7th Dec 2017, 11:38
Because of this my management was in the office at 5am. Of course with a cup of Costa coffee...

7th Dec 2017, 17:33
Heard that it was something akin to chaos on the big Roll Out day with over 1 hour for start up and departure etc causing delays and fuel planning to go out the window. Any more feedback from anyone in the area as to how it went?

7th Dec 2017, 17:52
[quote=Tired ATCO;9979000]Just a quick note regarding the new airspace coming into affect on 7th December

The powers that be have agreed and put in place in many’s opinion an unsafe, inefficient airspace design.

There are many problems within ATC at AUH. However the main focus of this post is a friendly warning to pilots to please be on your guard for the foreseeable future.

The new airspace has SIDS and STARS that are not separated from each other with an amazing amount of conflict points. Far more than I have ever seen in any airspace.

Currently AUH don’t have the correct amount of staff to man the new position it requires. They have also cancelled leave meaning many controllers are fatigued. Put this together with a very unsafe airspace and I am truly concerned that a serious incident is a real possibility.

It will be interesting to hear your options after the 7th. We are told that it is fuel efficient but I’m sure within a matter of days you guys will realise that isn’t the case.

Stay safe[/quote
Many thanks in advance and best wishes you all.

8th Dec 2017, 02:39
I flew yesterday morning and it was " normal " operation.( departure at 01:30 Z and return at 06:50 Z )
Got vectors for departure and a base turn at GIRGO on the VUTEB1C arrival.
No issue at all

Tired ATCO
8th Dec 2017, 13:04
Yep..... new airspace hadn’t started then

Emma Royds
8th Dec 2017, 21:22
Yep..... new airspace hadn’t started then

Thought it was at 0330Z on 07/12?

9th Dec 2017, 08:41
New departures out of Dubai with dozens of restrictions on them, just asking to be busted in error with the seemingly insignificant push of an ALT button. Little thinking of the actual operation on the aircraft and how easily people will make errors, went into there design.

Guy D'ageradar
9th Dec 2017, 12:01
Yep..... new airspace hadn’t started then

If he flew the vuteb arrival, clearly it had!

9th Dec 2017, 12:40
For sure today new airspace was started and again no problem at all same as before and for sure not worse...

Catwalk Dweller
15th Dec 2017, 21:32
All these problems . . .

I'm long out of the ME, so forgive me for asking, but a Mr J wouldn't have had a hand in this, would he? (Now where did that wink, wink emoji thingy go? . . . )

16th Dec 2017, 01:29
All these problems . . .

I'm long out of the ME, so forgive me for asking, but a Mr J wouldn't have had a hand in this, would he? (Now where did that wink, wink emoji thingy go? . . . )
