View Full Version : New aircraft order on the way (CX)

28th Nov 2017, 04:41
Rumours that new aircraft are on the cards guessing bus or freighters.

But I thought times were tough, now where shall I find those millions of dollars oh that's right I'm back making a profit in the usual cycle :rolleyes:

28th Nov 2017, 11:54
Surely by now the fuel hedging loss is done, and they can buy some A380s to keep the line open. CX needs those planes to complete against SG, the Koreans and the Chinese, and the Emiraties, but will they let KA crews take the lead on the fleet transfer?

28th Nov 2017, 11:57
Ooooh, shiny jet syndrome rumours. Always a good way to get the spikey haired kids excited. Just remember, way back when, the 'coming' airbus's and 777's where the latest 'shiny jet' promises. See just how wonderful that has turned out for everyone. Run away. What shiny jet you fly can never make up for a lack of every other area of your career (such as money, medical, rostering, kids schools, retirement, etc....). This airline is toast. At most it will barely grow, more likely shrink and wither under the onslaught of newer, more dynamic carriers in HK and the region.

28th Nov 2017, 12:06
Well considering we are parking the 330s over the new 5 years there is no airframe growth which was touted by management and recruitment. With a slot limited hkia id be suprised by any order that isnt a replacement or retool.

28th Nov 2017, 12:18
Also getting rid of several ER's (10+ I hear) over the next couple of years. No real expansion. Again, what good is a 'shiny jet' if you get paid peanuts to fly it? Answer: nothing. That is why most of us are making determined efforts to move elsewhere. The HK dream is dead.

28th Nov 2017, 14:10
15 ER's to go from what I have heard

28th Nov 2017, 14:36
6 a350 downsized to smaller version also

28th Nov 2017, 14:43
The AHK 300-600’s need replacing. That’s the most likely scenario given that they’re old, hybrids, non RNP capable and spares support becoming difficult.

28th Nov 2017, 14:45
6 a350 downsized to smaller version also

small or large doesn't matter, the 900 is very capable. still same number of crew required

28th Nov 2017, 15:28
There are no more slots available at HKIA. How can there be an expansion at CX? CX has around 40% of all the slots at HKIA. The latest I have read is that HKA is aggressively trying to get more slots, as they have only 10% and need more, by trying to convince HKIA to reallocate slots from other airlines to them.

On another note, every business and travel magazine is writing about potential flight disruptions in December for CX due to possible industrial action by the pilots. Wonder what effect this has on bookings ........

28th Nov 2017, 15:53
Turningfinal, yes you are correct, I think it is 15 ER's going. The big threat is as GTC mentions: CX has too many slots at CLK, and the government is under heavy political pressure from well connected mainland investors to strip some away and give them to HKA. An editorial in the Standard last week alluded to that very thing happening. I believe this is yet more evidence to support the theory that the Swires see the writing on the wall and are trying to sell off CX, hence the headlong rush to cut costs at the expense of actually running an airline. For the pilots it doesn't matter. Start planning your exit, as there will not be a career worth having here going forwards. Further, all your colleagues are making those same arrangements, so don't get trampled in the rush. Time to pull the ejection handle.

28th Nov 2017, 16:05
Regarding the 'possible' (:E) disruption over the holidays: that's what you get when you overwork and overstress your employees. Their health breaks down and they become VERY susceptible to the flu etc... Shame, we are all SO motivated to go that extra mile because we have SUCH a caring and well led employer.

29th Nov 2017, 00:08
On another note, every business and travel magazine is writing about potential flight disruptions in December for CX due to possible industrial action by the pilots. Wonder what effect this has on bookings ........

I have heard not just December, but the period to include CNY.

Mill Worker
29th Nov 2017, 10:07
The AHK 300-600’s need replacing. That’s the most likely scenario given that they’re old, hybrids, non RNP capable and spares support becoming difficult.

Those aircraft will be replaced by CX -400 freighters (all of them) and possibly the -8 down track a little.

29th Nov 2017, 10:24
There are no more slots available at HKIA. How can there be an expansion at CX? CX has around 40% of all the slots at HKIA. The latest I have read is that HKA is aggressively trying to get more slots, as they have only 10% and need more, by trying to convince HKIA to reallocate slots from other airlines to them.

There is more slots available, get the LCC and Chinese carriers that take 120 plus seconds to line up or 2500 meters to land (if they can stay on the runway or avoid the terrain). Or unable to maintain ATC speed restrictions out of hkia. The number of movements per hour can be increased a lot.

Then you can get rid of the business jets and government flying school.

Mumbai is now the busiest single runway airport in the world, it has overtaken Gatwick. Maybe it’s time to get the Indians to show HKG ATC how it should be done.

29th Nov 2017, 13:16

broadband circuit
29th Nov 2017, 14:05
Then you can get rid of the business jets

I heard that once the white elephant bridge to Macau opens, they'll be trying to "encourage" corporate aviation to move to VMMC.

29th Nov 2017, 15:03

VMMC is scheduled to close. The site already sold for real estate. What else. Zhuhai is the favoured airport.

30th Nov 2017, 01:45
All CAT 1 & 2 holds are co-located except on K at HKG. On 07R you see them taxi down H and then hold on J1 abeam J, way short of the holding point. Then just release the brakes with no additional thrust going uphill slowly moving forward onto the runway. Meanwhile the preceding aircraft has already gone through 2000' and is talking to departures before they have completed lining up.

What I also experience is aircraft not following ATC speeds (assigned the same speed and catching them, or ATC asks and they say 148 kts and they get asked to maintain 160 to 4 nm), and then using A8/A9 in an A320 or 737 as they are parking at the satellite terminal. Nowhere near as many A320s/737s seem to need A5/A4 when landing on 25R.

The wasted time with poor speed control, and unacceptable runway occupancy times is costing a number of movements an hour (and go-arounds). Should be able to get arrivals in with 3-4 miles between aircraft like other busy airports, and departures more frequently.

There is also free slots late at night, but they are useless when the public transport to and from the airport goes on the restricted nighttime schedule. I think the AEL and hotel shuttles should run at least once every half hour through the night. Taxis rob visitors blind on the longer trips to the Airport, Kowloon and the Island.

30th Nov 2017, 11:27
Similar problems in Anchorage

1st Dec 2017, 07:52

VMMC is scheduled to close. The site already sold for real estate. What else. Zhuhai is the favoured airport.

Really? That's 5-6m passengers that would have to find a new port. If the HKMZ Bridge was not such a cluster fugazi, they should have put a train on it as well then closing the Macau airport makes more sense.