View Full Version : Exams tommorow and tues

2nd Dec 2001, 17:27
That time of the month again!
Anyone got any tips other than eenee meenee miny mo for Systems or Flight planning so I can get the christmas present of my dreams...14 ATPL's! Anything appreciated,


2nd Dec 2001, 17:58
try to make al lot of old exams even the old style one's, and you'll do fine

Tristar Freak
2nd Dec 2001, 19:53
If you are stuck then
Pick the longest answer If that doesnt work pick the answer with a 3 in it finally if all those fail select answer C

Best of luck

200V AC, 3 Phase, 400 Hz
2nd Dec 2001, 20:58
Out of the four answers available you should be able to narrow it down to two in most cases, then pick the one you think is correct and then use the one you think is wrong for you final answer. This has worked well for me so far!


2nd Dec 2001, 22:19
Flight Planning is a doddle - more of a time management exam!

Send Clowns
2nd Dec 2001, 22:27
Lots of my students see a question and know the answer, but think it is too simple or too easy, so put something else down. Some of the questions are extremely simple and easy!

That's the best advice I can give for all subjects. Best of luck!

3rd Dec 2001, 03:21
Thanks guys,

I shall wait and see in a few hours! My mind is saturated and numb!
And cheers clowns, I got thru nav didn't I!!so I guess I can do it again, but blow me tooooo much to know for systems and given my nasty 74% habit who knows!
Wish me luck thanks again!


3rd Dec 2001, 19:04
Well that went pretty average! I hate to winge but the questions are sneaky alot of the time and you have to see the cunning angle that the examiner is coming from to answer alot of the questions that aren't the xy+z style! I shall wait and see!

Still, ignorane is bliss for the time being and I have flight planning tommorow, any sneaky ideas? Let me know?