View Full Version : Evidence Based Training

26th Nov 2017, 05:32
Does anyone have information on Evidence Based Training?

26th Nov 2017, 05:56
Google is your friend. Before posting on Pprune try Google first
For example: https://www.google.com.au/search?source=hp&ei=rGQaWoPsO4uQ8wXOjr_wCQ&q=Evidence+Based+Training+in+aviation&oq=Evidence+Based+Training+in+aviation&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0.2650.26171.0.39714. j1.30.0..2..0...1.1.64.psy-ab..5.30.7293...0i131k1j0i131i46k1j46i131k1j0i22i30k1j33i160 k1j33i21k1j0i13k1.0.Gzn7TX1vfeI

26th Nov 2017, 07:50
To what extent is EBT being used by operators?
Are there any indications of the projected safety improvements from EBT, or does the change just provide a ‘good feeling’ in that perceived threats are now being addressed differently from the ‘constraints’ of previous regulation?

26th Nov 2017, 08:19
One of the primary areas of concern (as we well know) is the loss of manual flying skills and (new guidelines) how mastering manual flight prior to introducing automation can create a better trained pilot. It all begs the question, "why are we figuring this out just now?" Prior to the digital age in aircraft systems and computerized flight controls, training followed the "new" guidelines.

Another area of interest involves that which we thought we had mastered, CRM. There are additional concerns, but they mostly revolve around improving training techniques for application in the real world and how to use automation without, 1) allowing it to degrade basic skills and 2) catching people out when things go wobbly (AF447) or a lack of system knowledge (Asiana SFO 777).

There have been a number of studies and reports published recently.

IATA EBT Report 2014 - PDF (https://www.iata.org/whatwedo/ops-infra/training-licensing/Documents/data-report-for-evidence-basted-training-aug%202014.pdf)

From a training perspective: ICAO - EBT Training Guidelines - 2013 (https://www.icao.int/SAM/Documents/2014-AQP/EBT%20ICAO%20Manual%20Doc%209995.en.pdf)

29th Nov 2017, 04:11
Our company certainly goes some way toward appearing to use evidence based training. LOSA, FDAP, and recent incidents are used for discussion points and exercises in sim sessions.

29th Nov 2017, 07:58
va, Daysleeper, thanks for the links. These reiterate what is intended and how changes can be introduced, but there is little indicate what is actually being done, and if implemented provide evidence of any expected safety benefits being realised.
I have read several papers on how to evaluate data to guide change, but all focus on past events thereby leading to reactive training, and then only for the threats as perceived by the operator.
There are few views on the training of generic skills which might support proactive safety enhancements; similarly there is no advice on how to evaluate threats, subject to bias, or identifying and managing the risk in future operations.