View Full Version : Cathay Pacific pilots dial down talk of strike if pay dispute remains unresolved..

24th Nov 2017, 15:41
Cathay Pacific pilots dial down talk of strike if pay dispute remains unresolved | South China Morning Post (http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/economy/article/2121218/cathay-pacific-pilots-threaten-strike-if-airline-pushes-ahead) :ugh:

24th Nov 2017, 17:23
It's sad. But something has to be done soon...
They took away your housing benefit. Cancelled your Rostering Agreement. They promised to cut your pay and make you work harder, with reduction in qualified crew per flight. What else are you waiting for?
Stop barking, start biting... But remember, you must all bite at the same time, else forget it.

Amber Vibes
24th Nov 2017, 17:37
Yes! I have said this multiple times in multiple ways. The only thing a bully understands is push back....And it must be ONE UNIFIED MUSCLE PUSHING BACK AT THE SAME TIME.

24th Nov 2017, 22:57
Pilots are being targeted for cuts as almost half of the company’s HK$19.7 billion spending on staff costs last year went on pilots, who make up 14.6 per cent of its 26,670-strong workforce.

So in round figures.

10 billion divided by 3000 pilots
(Forgetting increments and rank)

3 million each?

Did I miss getting an astronomical pay rise?

DP I'm guessing you quoted this, and you say the AOA is misleading its members :rolleyes:

25th Nov 2017, 04:29
The Hong Kong Aircrew Officers’ Association (HKAOA), which represents and negotiates for 80 per cent of the airline’s 3,000 pilots, said it had proposed its own HK$1.4 billion cost savings, which it expected to be rejected. Cathay Pacific is seeking just HK$1 billion in cuts from pilot costs.

So in round figures.

$1 billion divided by 3000 pilots
(Forgetting increments and rank)

$330,000 savings from each pilot?

Yeah, I am sure the company morons think that will fly!

25th Nov 2017, 05:13
CX Management is driven by one principle only. And that is to increase their own self-interest (personal pay, bonus, conditions and promotion prospects).

Therefore, CX Management will drive these cuts to pilots pay, conditions and rostering in order to benefit their own self-interest.

CX Management fear only an outcome that threatens their self-interest (ie, loss of their own pay, bonus, conditions and loss of promotion prospects).

The ONLY way to avoid cuts to pilot pay, conditions and rostering is to threaten CX Management in terms of what they fear most.

1. Large scale resignations; and/or
2. Strike action.

Otherwise, just sit back and wait for the new conditions of service to be imposed.

Without action, there is no motivation for management NOT to make it happen and every reason for it to eventuate.

25th Nov 2017, 05:48
The holidays are coming...wouldn't want to be a member of the public relying on getting anywhere.

25th Nov 2017, 06:14
I already did resign CR, a few months ago. Several others that I know will be doing the same as soon as any cuts are confirmed. Many are ready to pull the pin completely and leave CX. Don't doubt the resolve and anger of the entire pilot group. Most that I know are planning to take individual action beginning now. This operation is about to reach a state of chaos.

25th Nov 2017, 06:16
I agree with the strategy you propose. Cut off all comms with the company and focus all our energies on PR and the stock holders. Daily press briefings, combined with leaked statements from 'anonymous' pilots as to their long term plans. Demonstrate to the public that CX is not worth traveling with. Further, contact the press in our outports (London,NY,LA etc) and inform then of the coming chaos.

25th Nov 2017, 06:25
Neither of you are resigning or striking, and keep hoping someone else will.

Instead, it's time to take all means of action to protect our contracts, and launch an immediate, expensive, wide-ranging public relations campaign (by professionals) that will at least be heard by the rest of the company's staff and our owners, including our managers and their superiors, who currently only know the GMA's and DFO's side of this and have no idea what is really going on.

Our propaganda budget doesn't even come close to theirs, it's a futile ridiculous attempt. Not to mention that the rest don't give a :mad: about pilots, and the last thing management will do is bow to pressure from other staff. The only viable option is striking.

25th Nov 2017, 06:28
will be doing the same

Many are ready to pull the pin

planning to take

This operation is about to

something has to be done soon...

Do you see the problem with these words?


Amber Vibes
25th Nov 2017, 08:02
Definitely strike, but Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube information videos, Instagram, etc), OP-ED's, television and print interviews or q&a's, and informational picketing doesn't cost anything and are very useful tools.

25th Nov 2017, 11:42
Yup. And these things go as far as to sway elections in some lands.

Media corporations held an ogliarchy on propaganda for many years. Such is not the case now and everyone is tired of media parroting fake news. One thing which HAS changed is that people get tons of information from all sides and can screen what they choose to believe.

Crew costs are a way small fraction of ticket prices — a few dollars. And are a way small fraction of cost when compared with huge cash skimmed off the operation by paper pushers who believe they deserve large bonuses for making bad decisions. Or bosses betting badly at the track.

The rubber meets the road in operations. We are the pointy end of the spear. The surgeon with the knife. It is a team effort on all sides to be sure (and competent managers are extremely valuable for asset management and health and well being of the organization), but a blunder by a middle manager might result in a paper cut, some unhappy people or cancellations, or a few dollars down the drain. A blunder by an operator results in a smoking hole.

I cannot believe the traveling public would be comfortable with cut rate unhappy surgeons working on a loved one. Especially when keeping them happy is such a tiny portion of what they are paying for their ticket.

The waiter and delivery man are certainly important, but when I go to a restaurant I REALLY want a happy and capable cook.

Methinks the FAU would be worth working with in this endeavor as well.

But if a line isn’t drawn in the sand today, today will be the absolute best working conditions you will ever get to see here. And, left unchecked, things WILL get rapidly worse.

25th Nov 2017, 12:03
quote: "But if a line isn’t drawn in the sand today, today will be the absolute best working conditions you will ever get to see here. And, left unchecked, things WILL get rapidly worse."

That is the most tragic of statements, and probably sadly true. The pilots of this airline need to realise the truth of that statement. Either act now to support your professional worth, or you will suffer for all your years here with a mediocre career at best. It will be a frustrating, unhappy and ultimately pointless existence. Fight this bully mob with all you have. At the very least, make sure you do your part to demonstrate your true worth this holiday season. Every one of you.

25th Nov 2017, 12:16
Can anyone confirm that the GM's just got HKD1m Xmas "thankyou cheques' ?

25th Nov 2017, 12:35
Exactly. And nobody in HK is going on strike anytime soon, unless they were about to resign anyway and don't care about their P fund, staff travel, or getting another job.

CR, I am looking for employment elsewhere, partly because of management, but mostly because I've given up on the pilot body. Pilots that are prolific complainers, but always find an excuse of why we shouldn't stand up and fight.

26th Nov 2017, 05:09
I have a big trip booked with the family on an extensive trip with a lot of long legs to do in the near future.
I asked CX customer relations whether I should rebook with another carrier as there is the possibity of a CX pilot strike soonish....
Just got a blunt reply to contact travel agent to cancel !
Not a single word from them to deny or alleviate concerns or even spin a bit of propaganda against the rumours.
All of the best in your battle with the MANAGEMENT MONSTER...

26th Nov 2017, 05:35
thanks for your support and enjoy your holiday.

26th Nov 2017, 11:29
wdew. Pilot 'strike'. Not in so many words. Pilots not available due illness. Another story all together. It's flu season. Legally we can't fly if 'unfit'. End of story. Best wishes and thank you for your support.