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View Full Version : Navy Pilot Draws 'Male Genitalia' in Oregon Sky

17th Nov 2017, 14:59
Looks like some EA-18G driver from Whidbey is going to be flying rubber dogs**t out of Hong Kong in a cargo plane:{:

Graphic: Navy admits to being involved in obscene skydrawings spotted in Okanogan Co.

Staff , KREM 9:26 PM. EST November 16, 2017

WARNING: Some viewers may find the photos in this story offensive

OKANOGAN COUNTY, Wash. – Officials with the Naval Air Station Whidbey Island said one of their aircraft was involved in the obscene skywritings spotted in Okanogan County.

Photos sent to KREM 2 by multiple sources show skydrawings of what some people are saying is male genitalia. Some sources have even tweeted pictures of what they saw.

A mother who lives in Okanogan who took pictures of the drawings reached out to KREM 2 to complain about the images, saying she was upset she might have to explain to her young children what the drawings were.

In a statement to KREM 2 News navy officials said, "The Navy holds its aircrew to the highest standards and we find this absolutely unacceptable, of zero training value and we are holding the crew accountable."

KREM 2 spoke to the Federal Aviation Administration to get some information about who may have made the drawings. FAA officials said unless the act poses a safety risk, there is nothing they can do about. The official said they "cannot police morality."

Graphic: Navy admits to being involved in obscene skydrawings spotted in Okanogan Co. | KREM.com (http://www.krem.com/news/local/okanogan-county/graphic-obscene-skydrawings-spotted-in-okanogan-co/492496113)

17th Nov 2017, 15:01
If a penis is obscene then half [approx] of the world population are carting something obscene about.
The world has gone mad. I thought it was going mad, but its completed the job.

17th Nov 2017, 15:24
This from the country that has a mass shooting every month and states that the answer is to arm more of it's citizens. Now THAT'S obscene!

17th Nov 2017, 15:25
Aircrew have been drawing sky willies for years...:rolleyes:

Back before the 1957 White Paper killed them off, one of the VR squadron pilots drew one in the skies over Edinburgh. Some god-botherer complained, so the squadron got airborne, formed line abreast and flew through the thing - then repositioned on another axis and repeated their efforts.

So if anyone hadn't noticed the sky willy the first time, they sure as heck noticed it one the attempts at erasing it had been put into effect.

17th Nov 2017, 15:46
I agree that this is nothing new. Those Navy guys will never be accepted by polite society. :=

Disgraced Blue Angels commander made his team paint male genitalia so big it was visible on GOOGLE MAPS, Navy reports

Capt Gregory McWherter, graduate of Top Gun school, was relieved of his post in April amid misconduct allegations

U.S. Navy report found McWherter used call sing 'Stiffy' and allowed pilots to keep binoculars in cockpits to spot scantily clad women

Newly released report notes he encouraged pilots to share nude photos of girlfriends

Displayed pornographic pumpkins called 'pornkins' at Halloween and oversaw a giant blue and gold painting of genitalia

New hires were hazed by being forced to wear 'foam penis' hats

Giant male genitalia were painted in blue and gold on roof of Blue Angles' [sic] training facility in California

By Daily Mail Reporters

Published: 10:22 EST, 24 July 2014 | Updated: 10:37 EST, 24 July 2014

Ex-Blue Angels leader Gregory McWherter oversaw 'painting of penis visible on Google Maps' | Daily Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2704316/Ex-Blue-Angels-leaders-tenure-included-pornography-lewd-comments-painting-penis-big-visible-Google-Maps-Navy-reports.html#ixzz4yhyKfI3i)

17th Nov 2017, 16:02
..... snip............. Those Navy guys will never be accepted by polite society. :=
..... snip............

Yep...... and that's just the way we like it. :ok:

17th Nov 2017, 16:44
Some serious pecker isssues goin' on there...


17th Nov 2017, 17:11
What a dick......

The Oberon
17th Nov 2017, 17:50
How do we know it wasn't a female pilot?

edit: (I've anticipated one possible answer, "She would have drawn a.......")

Which reminds me of the old gag.

Why do we have weather cocks?

Because if we had the female equivalent, the wind would blow straight through it.

17th Nov 2017, 18:15
How do we know it wasn't a female pilot?

If so, the incident then suddenly becomes what is called a 'teachable moment' like when the perp of the recent racist graffiti at the Air Force Academy Prep School was identified as one of the alleged 'victims'.

The timing for the Navy couldn't be worse with the current civilian sexual hazmat media meltdown. Will this blow over in the background? Or, will this start Tailhook II with renewed pressure to name a female Blue Angel skipper?


17th Nov 2017, 18:17
Well if it is a penis, I sure hope it's not a self portrait - might want the MO to take a look.

I certainly think there's a snowflake involved in the story somewhere!

17th Nov 2017, 19:00
Here's the Navy's initial media release on the incident:

US Navy air crew, flying an F/A-18 Growler (Electronic Attack Aircraft) assigned to Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 130 based at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Wash., flew an air pattern over Okanogan County, Wash., on Thursday, Nov. 16, that left a condensed air trail resembling an obscene image to observers on the ground.

The Officers and Sailors of the United States Navy are professionals, held to the highest standards, while serving our nation with pride around world. The actions of this aircrew were wholly unacceptable and antithetical to Navy core values. We have grounded the aircrew and are conducting a thorough investigation - and we will hold those responsible accountable for their actions. The Navy apologizes for this irresponsible and immature act.

The Navy apologizes to anyone who was offended by this unacceptable action.

An investigation into this flight will be conducted and if appropriate, the aviator(s) responsible will be held accountable.

Navy planes leave a trail of 'condensed air'? Who knew? :confused:

17th Nov 2017, 19:25
...saying she was upset she might have to explain to her young children what the drawings were.

Why would you have to explain anything?

The kids were probably too engrossed in their stupid I-Pads to look up in the sky to see jets anyway.

17th Nov 2017, 19:34

Looking at the graphic, I think the crew made the pattern without any thot of what it would look like from the ground.


I never flew in an area like Washington or Britain wherre there were strong and presistent cons.

The pattern looks like a basic holding one and then zooming in toward the threat radars and coming back to safety. I flew a similar pattern a hundred years ago on the wing of a Spark Vark. My Viper wingie was on the other side of the vark. We held for timing, then raced in to hit an SA-4 site. The Spark Vark shower of power protected us even after he turned a 180 and we got within bombing distance before the SAM site found us. Too, bad and it was dust 20 seconds later.

Gums recalls

17th Nov 2017, 19:56
"The Navy would like to apologise to anyone offended......."

How many people would have noticed it/been offended by it if the Navy hadn't made a song and dance about it........

Lord Riot
17th Nov 2017, 20:32
It's just bants. The Yanks should lighten up and have a laugh.

17th Nov 2017, 21:22
It's just bants. The Yanks should lighten up and have a laugh.

Don't think they are laughing in the Pentagon. The earlier statement apparently was released by a (female) Public Affairs Officer. Now, a three-star admiral has promised to launch an inquiry :eek::

The image stretched hundreds of feet high [sic- those were mighty low contrails ;)] over the Okanogan Highlands, based on photographs shared on social media.

It has spawned a full Navy investigation, with a senior officer, Vice Adm. Mike Shoemaker, promising to examine the issue fully and respond.

“The American people rightfully expect that those who wear the Wings of Gold exhibit a level of maturity commensurate with the missions and aircraft with which they’ve been entrusted,” said Shoemaker, who oversees naval air operations, in a statement released by the service. “Naval aviation continually strives to foster an environment of dignity and respect. Sophomoric and immature antics of a sexual nature have no place in Naval aviation today.”


Looking at the graphic, I think the crew made the pattern without any thot of what it would look like from the ground.

The pattern looks like a basic holding one and then zooming in toward the threat radars and coming back to safety. I flew a similar pattern a hundred years ago on the wing of a Spark Vark.

The holding pattern explanation did work for an RAF crew near Lossiemouth three years ago:

RAF bosses claim 'penis' drawn in sky was just an accident

RAF bosses have insisted that a penis-shaped vapour trail that appeared in the sky was "not what it perhaps appears to be".

By Sarah Ann Harris
PUBLISHED: 12:51, Fri, Nov 7, 2014

Residents of Lossiemouth, in Moray, Scotland, were stunned when the rude-looking sight appeared over the town.

Many people suggested that a pilot from RAF Lossiemouth could have done it deliberately.

Some believed that he had since been reprimanded.

But a spokesman from the base denied this and claimed the seemingly rude image was merely an accident. He said: "It's not what it perhaps appears to be.

"The pilot concerned was flying in a holding pattern, which is what all aircraft do when they are waiting to land.

"The matter was looked into, but this is not a case of someone being silly."

He added: "People sometimes look into the sky and see all sorts of things."

Vapour trails, also known as contrails, are formed by vapour in the exhaust of aircraft engines or changes in air pressure over areas if the wing.


As Sister Aimee Semple McPherson allegedly said: 'That's my story and I'm sticking to it!' :ok:

17th Nov 2017, 22:33

Thanks, Bubba.

Stupid people making stupid meanings about basic nature and such.

In these days in the U.S. almost anything you do will be related to respect or lack of, harassment, abuse, resentment of a statute of an old patriot or someone else, and the beat goes on.

As I said, I flew the exact profile back in 1983 or so at Red Flag, and if we had the cons the pic would have looked the same except for my flight that zoomed out in front to hit the tgt.

Gums sends...

P.S Hey Bubba, go Tigers. The Vols need some serious help.

17th Nov 2017, 23:03
We just have to hope and pray that this is just silly foam and that the grownups of both sexes will quietly get on with preparing to defeat the bad guys long after the snowflakes have settled

17th Nov 2017, 23:13
Apparently the rear-seater of the Growler realised what was happening and attempted to leave the aircraft, adding premature ejection to the crew’s list of transgressions.

I’ll get my coat.

18th Nov 2017, 02:28
Who do I complain to? I'm offended. :E


sleepy hollow
18th Nov 2017, 06:57
Similar thing happened at Lossiemouth 40 plus years ago during a station exercise the was an R hour launch all the available Jaguars got airborne and said shape appeared in the sky !!! Will the culprit now own up ������

Treble one
18th Nov 2017, 09:47
Just some BFM surely? :-)

18th Nov 2017, 12:49
Similar thing happened at Lossiemouth 40 plus years ago during a station exercise the was an R hour launch all the available Jaguars got airborne and said shape appeared in the sky !!! Will the culprit now own up ������

Perhaps read "The Jaguar Boys" for a hint but suspect you may already know?

18th Nov 2017, 13:00
Frankly I'm amazed a jaguar could get high enough to make contrails.

pax britanica
18th Nov 2017, 14:41
This fuss sums up todays world for me. Surely fighter pilots have to have a bit of an edge to them , people who break a few minor rules are the same kind of people who are happy to get blasted off a carriers bows in total darkness and max weight , and even more so whoare not going to be frightened silly trying land on again in the dead of might in rain with a pitching ship the only part of which youcan see are two lights.

Sorry but I think that despite all the rules inherent in any flying fighter and GA pilots have to have that bit of an edge to them because they have to a job most of us cannot and would not even if we could.


George K Lee
18th Nov 2017, 14:49
Fear The D**knado

Who do I complain to? I'm offended. :E


18th Nov 2017, 15:03

Have you read this thread? See post #23!

Capt Pit Bull
18th Nov 2017, 20:40
Well if people can walk around dressed as a vagina for marches etc I for one have no problem sticking a penis up in the air.

If we had any balls this would be an 'I'm Spartacus' moment ... ;)

19th Nov 2017, 13:57
P.S Hey Bubba, go Tigers. The Vols need some serious help.

Indeed so. These things are cyclical, so I just hope this year's been at the bottom of the cycle.

19th Nov 2017, 15:42
It would appear that the sense of humour was rather more robust in the past:-


19th Nov 2017, 18:08
If only he had some IR flares on board.......

19th Nov 2017, 18:29
RAF pilot draws penis in the skies over Lincolnshire | Daily Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4820358/RAF-pilot-draws-penis-skies-Lincolnshire.html)

Thomas coupling
20th Nov 2017, 11:51

Go figure.

Nanny state gone beserk.

With all this sexual interogation sweeping through the wetsrn world, who is next:
When will Clinton 'cop' it?

When will Trump get it in the neck with his recorded views about a women several years ago:

20th Nov 2017, 12:03
What do you expect if you make them fly a plane called a 'Growler'?

20th Nov 2017, 12:12
What's the matter with people these days?

The matter is that everyone has a camera on them, access to social media, and a propensity to be outraged at anything and everything. It's a sad sign of the times.

Contact Approach
20th Nov 2017, 12:35
Absolutely great effort! Get that man a beer!

20th Nov 2017, 15:29
Just so long as we don't get outraged by people getting outraged I suppose.

20th Nov 2017, 16:24
I see an infinity sign over a test tube, clearly this aviator was drawing attention to the importance of science.

If people see something else, maybe that is their issue?

20th Nov 2017, 16:28
and a propensity to be outraged at anything and everything.It is certainly their right to be offended.
It is also my right not to give a flyin' f@@k about them being offended. Let them simmer in their own broth.

20th Nov 2017, 23:30
Even the Navy Lady Pilots get into the act it seems!


21st Nov 2017, 02:30
Even the Navy Lady Pilots get into the act it seems!

That story might fool the media or a Marine...

21st Nov 2017, 11:20
Neither are very hard to spoof!

In time the Marine will tweak to it having happened and give their standard response....."Oh, Yeah!".

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/23659312_1555184131237845_412139496207040301_n.jpg?oh=c23f28 d1c59de49ebf094894ce40de8a&oe=5AA17DFC

21st Nov 2017, 15:31
There must be something wrong with mine ...............

22nd Nov 2017, 17:09
I hope that every FJ pilot in the world will use any opportunity to drew a willy on the sky, in support of this navy pilot, whom by all standards live up to the fighter pilot spirit. Be it a drawing like his in the cons or on FR24. All this political correctness must stop. We kill people for a living, get to see the worst kind of destruction and human suffering that one can imagine on a day to day basis during operations, spend a lot of time away from our loved ones and so on, but it's not accepted for us to let out some steam the way fighter pilots have done it in the last 100 years. WTF!

Pilot humor is, and always have been the way ahead. Please guys keep it up (So to speak). Do not let all the crap destroy the joy and camaraderie of it.

I say JOB WELL DONE to this pilot.

Lets se some more fun pictures like the one SASless posted. I'l start:


22nd Nov 2017, 19:52
Very difficult for a MetMan to compete, but imagine, imagine ......

a deep low at 50N 30W, a ridge going up up up the meridian S to N, and a deep low at 50N 30E.

That is what I call a planetary set of tackle, and it could stay erect for a day or two.

22nd Nov 2017, 23:49
Yes, it's juvenile, but pretty tough (I was going to say "hard" but thought better of it) to actually get the shaping right.
Does it really matter?
We have a RAF pilot who flies low over the village for his Mum's birthday - great, if we knew the time in advance, but we can't be told, but when it happens, no one complains, it's a bit of fun and no harm done.
If the powers that be lose all sense of proportion and clamp down, the world is a sadder place.
i'm not advocating stupid stunts, but a little tolerance for high spirits.

23rd Nov 2017, 01:04
Quote: "Vapour trails, also known as genitrails, are formed by vapour in the exhaust of aircraft engines or changes in air pressure over areas of the wing."

OK, I get the concept, but is it art?

24th Nov 2017, 14:16
Fertility Chemtrails apparantly.

Brother In Laws B1 Sqn had an Alien Nose art, where the character was stood next to a cactus. But walk back 50 yards and the cheeky extra terrestrial was flipping the bird! V Cleverly done.

Brian W May
24th Nov 2017, 20:27
Shakespeare had the right of it:

Much Ado About Nothing . . .

24th Nov 2017, 20:56
When I look at the photo, I see a 10 gallon hat, pilgrim. The Swabos have no sense of humor.

25th Nov 2017, 00:27
Ah, like the Toyota sign, then?

Two's in
25th Nov 2017, 18:13
On the other hand, if you belonged to a military branch that was desperately trying to recover its reputation (and relevance) following multiple breaches of trust involving institutionalized misogyny, widespread corruption with Asian contractors, breakdowns in basic seamanship and training leading to fatal collisions, you might - you just might - think twice before making literally a dick move such this. High spirits is only an excuse when your organizational professionalism is beyond reproach,

26th Nov 2017, 13:49

Or are you just looking for an excuse to Spam bash again?

27th Nov 2017, 12:44
Let's face it, whichever Air Force you're in, there's always a few dicks in high up places.

3rd Dec 2017, 05:47
Alert 5 » EA-18G crew that made penis skydrawing given administrative punishment - Military Aviation News (http://alert5.com/2017/12/03/ea-18g-crew-that-made-penis-skydrawing-given-administrative-punishment/)

The naval aviator and naval flight officer from VAQ-130 that drew the shape of a penis in the sky have been given administrative punishment by Vice Adm. Mike Shoemaker during a Nov. 22 hearing before a Field Naval Aviator Evaluation Board.

Shoemaker, commander of Naval Air Forces, ruled that both men were “impulsive and immature” but both were “forthright and remorseful” when confronted.

As part of their punishment both men must present a series of “Change the Culture” briefs to fellow crews and students. They were given six months probation and could lose their wings for “any transgression on land or in the sky that showed a ‘similar lapse of judgment’ or violated the Navy’s core values.”

3rd Dec 2017, 16:55
Looks like they kept their wings this time but they will probably have to leave the Navy after the perp walk and shaming 'presentation' tour. At least the airlines are hiring...

Navy aviators disciplined over air phallus after Coronado hearing

by Carl Prine

The Navy’s “Air Boss,” Vice Adm. Mike Shoemaker, has disciplined two aviators involved in a Nov. 15 incident of phallic skywriting in Washington.

The unnamed male pilot and his backseat aviator from the “Zappers” of Electronic Attack Squadron 130 at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington, received administrative punishment on Nov. 22 following a Field Naval Aviator Evaluation Board hearing on North Island before Shoemaker.

Pronounced “fee-nab” in the Navy, the administrative panel is designed to evaluate the performance, motivation and future potential for uniformed aviators. That it occurred on North Island, headquarters of Naval Air Forces, signaled the importance the military assigned to addressing the stunt. Typically, these hearings are convened at the squadron or wing levels and can end the career of Naval aviators.

“When they came down, the aviators were apologetic,” said Navy spokesman Cmdr. Ron Flanders. “The aviators admitted that they had done it after it occurred. When they appeared before the (Field Naval Aviator Evaluation Board) they were contrite. They realized that this was an embarrassment to Naval Aviation and the entire Navy. This sort of conduct is contrary to the core values of the Navy.”

Flanders said that the Navy is barred by federal privacy laws from identifying the aviators or detailing their punishment but the results of the board were obtained by The San Diego Union-Tribune. Details were circulated earlier in an email to Navy leaders sent out by Rear Adm. Roy “Trigger” Kelley, the commander of Virginia-based Naval Air Force Atlantic.

Shoemaker determined that the aviators’ actions were “impulsive and immature” but both were “forthright and remorseful.” Although they risked losing their coveted wing insignia, the endorsing authorities urged the Navy to retain them as aviators and place them into a “probationary” status in case they slip up again.

Shoemaker concurred with the recommendations but specified the probationary period would last six months and any transgression on land or in the sky that showed a “similar lapse of judgment” or violated the Navy’s core values would lead to a loss of the insignia.

A career aviator, Shoemaker ordered them to address their fellow crews on Whidbey Island in a series of “Change the Culture” briefs describing the “ramifications and the embarrassment it caused” while “contrasting their actions with the excellence and discipline” of other sailors worldwide. He also wanted them to explore the potential “strategic effects” their conduct might have.

The pilot, who has pending instructor orders to the training squadron at Naval Air Station Meridian in Mississippi, will conduct a similar presentation to both fellow instructors and students.

The Navy has only indicated that the pilot of the two-seater EA-18G Growler is a male lieutenant and that he used the contrails of the jet to sketch a phallus in the air during a routine training exercise, a floating image that became an internet sensation when it was photographed and shared on social media platforms.

The Navy has not released the rank or gender of the backseat flight officer tasked with suppressing enemy radar and communications.

Both aviators continue to face a separate inquiry from their Virginia-based Carrier Air Wing 3. Called a “JAGMAN” investigation, it’s an administrative probe that analyzes all available information about a relatively minor incident. Its findings of facts, opinions and recommendations often help improve a command’s leadership, promulgate lessons for the rest of the fleet to avoid similar incidents and aid superiors making determinations about the future flight status of an aviator.

The investigators also can indicate whether they believe violations of military law have occurred, potentially triggering criminal proceedings.

The Navy has not indicated when the JAGMAN will be finished but says the officers have not been arrested and charged with a crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Navy aviators disciplined over air phallus after Coronado hearing - The San Diego Union-Tribune (http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/military/sd-me-sky-penis-20171130-story.html)

3rd Dec 2017, 17:45
They were probably just feeling a bit too cocky for their own good.

Pure Pursuit
3rd Dec 2017, 22:10
With the current shortage of fast jet pilots in the US, I suspect that they will almost certainly keep their jobs.. should they wish to remain in the service.

Bottom line, the USN needs to get a sense of humour!

4th Dec 2017, 14:03
+1 to that. Clearly after all the fuss something has to be seen to be done but I've not spoken to anyone who found it other than hilarious.

4th Dec 2017, 23:08
Most people have seen one so WTF is all the fuss is about???

West Coast
5th Dec 2017, 04:50
Bottom line, the USN needs to get a sense of humour!

No, the bottom line is the USN needs to stay off the telly for awhile. Public exposure, no pun intended is why a guy with lots of stars on his collar personally whacked (ok, maybe that one was intended) these JGs, normally a task for a local commander.

5th Dec 2017, 07:33
He also wanted them to explore the potential “strategic effects” their conduct might have.

Might put the willies up Kim Jong Un, fearing THAT might be on its way over....

5th Dec 2017, 07:41
What would have happened if it was done by a pillotess?

5th Dec 2017, 14:42
With the current shortage of fast jet pilots in the US, I suspect that they will almost certainly keep their jobs.. should they wish to remain in the service.

They won't be kicked out of the service immediately but in many cases with a punitive letter in the file, they may be passed over for promotion and unable to stay in the Navy until retirement.

Still, it might not be the end of the world with the airlines hiring.

In 1992 a VF-2 Naval Aviator (was his callsign Packer?) got drunk and broke into the admiral's quarters in Yokuska and chased the admiral's wife around while he was dressed in his skivvies. The last thing the Navy needed was more Tailhook press so this guy was given a slap on the wrist at Admiral's Mast and sent packing to his new civilian job flying freighters.

5th Dec 2017, 20:50
Why didn´t he draw female genitalia. Maybe it´s a navy thing.

5th Dec 2017, 22:36
Ah, time to come clean.

Do any of our RN brethren who were taught the art of aviation at RNEFTS Topcliffe in 1981 recall the huge pen** (male member) that was drawn upon the main runway at Leeming (just South of the GCA Loop) following the RAF Summer Ball?

If you do, you will recall being tasked by a certain Group Captain (who had a thing about radio controlled model aircraft, and anuses, as a former Air Attache in a South American country) to scrub the offending 'doodle' of the sacred concrete.

Well...........If you were dicked (pardon the pun) for that scrubbing job, I apologise.

The culprits are known to me. None of them wore Navy Blue. You were innocent.

The retribution aimed at the Light Blue culprits came to naught.

The question "How was a MDA Runway blocked by 3 males, 2 gallons of white gloss paint and 3 bass brooms and no-one noticed?" was asked and 'Teflon' shouldered into oblivion.