View Full Version : Taking Pictures

17th Jul 2002, 14:12
HI I am 14 years old and I like taking pictures of Aircraf for airliners.net. When I went to EGLL a police car pulled up and told me to move even tho i wasent doing any harm, and at EGKK a BA disbatch officer told me to move. any i dear why this is I dont climb over there airport fences etc. Thanks :confused:

17th Jul 2002, 16:37
But where exactly were you at the time? There are serious security worries in and around major airports and I can well understand you being asked to move..

17th Jul 2002, 17:21
I doubt that you will recognize a valid answer using a public forum such as this one. You are quite likely to get a variety of answers based on differing opinions.

A truly useful answer should come from the authorities who monitor movements around airports, both from a legal standpoint as well as advisory in nature.

Press for your answer at their offices rather than when accosted because you were potentially seen as being threatening in some way.

17th Jul 2002, 17:22
Thanks people. I was where Mike said right up near the fence