View Full Version : Panama Papers

Flying Binghi
17th Oct 2017, 11:49
Hmmm... with the possibility of the corruption at the top of the lib party being exposed, the One Nation aviation policy may become more relavent to Oz aviation a bit sooner then expected...

"...There are crooks everywhere you look now..."

"A Maltese investigative journalist who exposed the island nation’s links to offshore tax havens through the leaked Panama Papers was killed Monday when a bomb exploded in her car...


Panama Papers: Malcolm Turnbull named (http://www.smh.com.au/business/banking-and-finance/panama-papers-malcolm-turnbull-named-20160511-got0di.html)


18th Oct 2017, 02:50
Q. How do you know when a politician is lying?

A. When you can see his/her lips moving.......

No cheers....NOPE none at all.....

Flying Binghi
20th Oct 2017, 02:29
Hmmm... so the FBI has been asked to investigate. That confirms there's some big international names involved in the corruption...

"...asked the US government and the FBI for help investigating the car bombing..."


Though, the FBI has a bit of a corruption problem of its own...

"...The FBI is out of control. It is stunning that the FBI ‘found’ these Clinton-Lynch tarmac records only after we caught the agency hiding them in another lawsuit,” stated Judicial Watch Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch will continue to press for answers about the FBI’s document games in court..."



Flying Binghi
27th Oct 2017, 04:04
Seems turnBull carn't buy off everybody...

"...Turnbull may come to regret his bold statement that Barnaby Joyce is "qualified to sit in the house and the High Court will so hold"..."

Category: | Herald Sun (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/joyce-out-of-parliament/news-story/fe6b0fa4da4d7166b23118b2a5313b00)


Capn Bloggs
27th Oct 2017, 05:08
Relevance, Your Honour!!

Flying Binghi
28th Oct 2017, 04:13
Must be difficult to 'receive the brief' here in Oz with so many prying eyes and ears. Much easier to get instructions whilst on an overseas trip where a private meeting can be arranged whilst at an otherwise innocuous get together... that's what I'd be looking for....:)
