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19th Jan 2001, 17:18
I have to sit an Air Law paper based on the Brit CAA system. I already have a UK ATPL, Singapore ATPL both based on the CAA paper but that was a few years ago and I have no study notes. Does anybody know where I can buy, beg borrow or steal some study material? BTW I live in Oz.

Big Red ' L '
19th Jan 2001, 17:58
Try the 'Wannabees' or 'questions' sections of this site. You might get some joy there.

Good luck.

Its not the fall that kills you...Its the sudden stop.....

Professional Cynic
19th Jan 2001, 23:39
Me too- I need to sit the caa national air law and HPL exams. However could'nt find anything in the areas suggested. Are there any web sites with example feedback questions for the national exams as there are for the JAA exams?

Any help would be much appreciated.

21st Jan 2001, 07:35
I see from your details that you are in Oz.
You can try BAE Systems in Adelaide as they train for CAA courses and you MAY be able to buy a UK Air Law book from them to study from. Otherwise ordering an Air Law book from UK (Underdown book) would be your next best bet.

21st Jan 2001, 14:56
Try and get hold of Dick Jennisons book by Pooleys - CPL/ATPL Air Law. It's pretty good.

And I strongly recommend, if you can get them, some feedback papers - bit of a funny exam this one, written by Portuguese ATC !!!!


Good Lord...my 500th post...does this mean I should be getting out more!!!

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