View Full Version : QFA709

2nd Oct 2017, 02:02
Just watching QF709 CNS/BNE on FR24. Just north of Kilcoy he made a very wide and prolonged right hand orbit - just curious as there seemed to be no conflicting aircraft in the area and two smaller aircraft heading to BNE but they were both already behind him.

Perhaps it was for further sequencing before landing.

Do pilots advise their passengers why they are doing a right hand or left hand orbit? I was in an Ansett Australia B747 into KIX once and happend to be
in the flight deck when the pilot made two wide left hand orbits as were gaining on an NZ B767 also inbound to KIX. I don't remember
the pilot telling the passengers why we were doing that.

Any thoughts ?? Many thanks


2nd Oct 2017, 11:55
Its just a holding pattern for landing sequencing. Take a look at airports like HKG and LHR and you will struggle to find an aircraft that doesn't do some for of holding before arrival. Sometimes many 'laps'. On the not of telling passengers, sometimes they will sometimes not when they do its more just a heads up that we will be holding for a bit so it may push back our arrival time.

2nd Oct 2017, 22:36
Thanks for that logansi - I do appreciate your reply
