View Full Version : Ride of the Valkyries

16th Aug 2017, 07:17
Chinook 3 ship just flew over Ham (Richmond).

Superb noise and sight. :D

Bought a tear to my eye. :)

David Thompson
16th Aug 2017, 12:01
All three to RAF Topcliffe , sorry Alanbrooke Barracks , for an exercise and giving air cadets some much needed air experience flights . :ok:

16th Aug 2017, 12:15
Spotted them this morning heading North to the east of the A10 near Puckeridge in Hertfordshire.

16th Aug 2017, 14:58
All three to RAF Topcliffe , sorry Alanbrooke Barracks , for an exercise and giving air cadets some much needed air experience flights . :ok:

That explains why there's been a constant procession over my house today. (North Yorkshire, Masham area). Glad to hear the cadets are getting to do some aviating.:)

16th Aug 2017, 17:14
Does anyone else on here remember the BBC 2 series @Test Pilots' about an ETPS course back in the 1980's? As part of the course the students made a parachute drop from a Chinook into Lyme Bay. OC Course sent a nice note back to the Wokka Squadron, stating that it was the nicest aircraft he'd ever had the pleasure of jumping out of.....

What's that they say about faint praise??

17th Aug 2017, 06:41
My nephew was up in a Chinook yesterday with his ATC squadron.
He described it as "Awesome!"
It's good that the RAF can still provide opportunities like this.