View Full Version : RAF delaying filter interview

31st Jul 2017, 21:06
Hi all, got some really helpful responses on here a few months ago and am hoping the community can advise me with a quandary I have.

I took my CBAT for a WSOP application last week and did really very well, score much higher than required in fact. I have received contact from my local AFCO regarding booking a filter interview, but I am considering whether it may be best for me to put it off for a while. Essentially, I am just going through a fairly turbulent personal period at the moment and whilst I am capable of keeping my mind focussed enough to do well on a task like the CBAT, I would be lying if I said that I will likely be able to devote the time and effort into preparing for the next stages that they deserve, at least for the next few months.

I am planning to ring the AFCO tomorrow to simply ask whether we can delay the filter interview for a couple of months due to personal reasons, but do not want to come across as unprofessional or unkeen. I am still very interested in the role and am certainly planning to take up an offer to attend a WSOP familiarisation day at Cranwell, but simply feel like it is not currently a good time for me to progress my application.

If anyone had any thoughts or advice I would be very grateful. I've been considering the matter a great deal but could do with some fresh thoughts.

Aynayda Pizaqvick
31st Jul 2017, 22:39
If you put your point forward as you do here, I'm sure you will be fine.

Sloppy Link
1st Aug 2017, 20:23
If you can, ask for a firm date in the future, it becomes a demonstration of commitment from both sides. Bon chance.

1st Aug 2017, 20:38
Ask to speak with the Officer Commanding of your AFCO. Be honest and open with her/him and they should give you the right advice. Best of luck.