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View Full Version : Flights to Europe cancelled last night 22nd

23rd Jun 2017, 05:24
I was one of the unlucky lot on Easyjet flights which all got canned last night from LGW due to bad weather in Europe re booked another flight this morning, Lots of pax really annoyed with Easyjet staff and customer service

Then there was no relief crew for the FunBus after nunmerous delays.

Anyone else on here got benched because of the sotrmy weather


23rd Jun 2017, 09:29
BA cancelled numerous flights as well.

Hotel Tango
23rd Jun 2017, 09:55
I was watching the weather radar anticipating having to batten down the hatches. There was indeed some very heavy stuff around both north and south of us (moving west to east), but we escaped.....this time!

23rd Jun 2017, 17:00
Anyone else on here got benched because of the sotrmy weather

Same happens, frequently, on ferry routes. It happened more than you think for the Hovercrafts. They had a wind & swell limit. I was a pax on a just under the 'limit' day. The smell in the cabin was horrendous and the crossing was 3 times the norm. We puckered up and refused to join the sea-sick brigade. Couldn't let the side down, could we.

I see at my local major hub the local national carrier cancels flights due to high winds. The problem they anticipate/expect is that 2 landing runway schedules, of different direction, will be reduced to 1 and hence lengthy delays for the departures of the inbounds. Unfortunately for the victim pax that's life. The airlines like to have crews & a/c in the correct places for the next wave.

4eyed anorak
23rd Jun 2017, 17:39
Our Easyjet flight was delayed by 1hr 45m from Nice to Bristol last night due to the weather along with the Liverpool flight. Both flights boarded and moved to remote stands whilst we waited for another slot from Euro control. Water was freely handed out!

Regards 4ea