View Full Version : Moderator II

Conan The Barber
12th Jul 2002, 19:28
Nu da den originale Moderator tråd er blevet slettet, føler jeg at en ny tråd er iorden.

Da jeg fik min tidligere info fra en (åbenbart upålidelig) Super Moderator, og der stadig ikke er valg en Skandinavisk Moderator, syntes jeg vi skal have en afstemmning.

Kom med et bud folks, (bare det ikke er en af de der Friggin' anal......)

13th Jul 2002, 12:27
Egenligt falder det vel godt i tråd med den skandinaviske mentalitet, at der ikke er en moderator !?

13th Jul 2002, 18:12
Hva skal vi med en moderator?

Dette forum er vel beregnet på piloter. Vi er derfor avskåret fra å moderere ca halvparten av tiden.(hvis ikke jobben deles på flere).

Dessuten skulle vi være i stand til å takle problemene i fellesskap hvis de skulle dukke opp.

De fleste av oss som arbeider innen flyging opplever både motgang og medgang. (erfaring :)). Dette setter i gang følelser som ønsker utløp. Når dette kommer i form av ytringer i dette forum synes jeg det er harmløst.


13th Jul 2002, 22:45
Det kunne ikke vært sagt bedre AAA.

En moderator mener jeg ikke trengs da man etter erfaring her har sett at det sjelden er posts som er av en slik graverende art, at de behøver og fjernes. La oss holde det et åpent forum, så tror jeg at de som leser postene selv kan avgjøre fleip eller fakta, hvem som sier noe fornuftig og ikke.

15th Jul 2002, 19:54
Should we take turns?

Lets moderate one week each?

Then we can shut down any oposing views at will, promote our cause and in general rule the nest.... :D

Sounds like fun, who wants to start?

16th Jul 2002, 01:07
Jeg tror vi har et par selvudnævnte moderators allerede, Towerdog.

Der er iallefald mere end en, der har rendt til Danny og beklaget sig.

16th Jul 2002, 01:45
Og hvem måske det være??

Vi har vel ikke diskutert hverken sex, politikk eller religion på disse sider...?

Alt annet er "good to go", derfor ikke mye å klage på til Danny eller andre?..:confused:

16th Jul 2002, 02:00
En eller anden 'lurking moderator' har vi i allefald.

Se bare hvad der er sket med AngleAndAttack.

16th Jul 2002, 02:48
Det ser også ud til at LEFT BLANK er blevet ramt.

16th Jul 2002, 02:59
Tracking us, are we Hogg.:D

Bengt Engel
17th Jul 2002, 08:42
I agree with ya'll to keep this forum open and without any moderator, and I can't say I like having a lurking undercover moderator spying all the time...

17th Jul 2002, 08:51
I guess a moderator is fine enough if that is what he does. Moderates! But someone who every once in a while without warning takes a swing of the axe and decapitates people is just pure absurd censurship!!! Either let us all have our say within natural limits or make this a private forum where one obtains membership and thereby excluding journos, media etc, but for gods sake let us speak!!!

:D :D :D

17th Jul 2002, 09:12

Bulls eye; that`s what we Scandinavians are used to; free speach. May be people in some countries have a problem with our way of being - direct;)

17th Jul 2002, 10:20
Let you speak, Ive no problem with that, just trying to keep pprune and u as individuals who wrote the report bout ryanair out of court. remember IP logged is for legal reasons. Free Speech also means No annonyminity which u guys have.

And I spend most of my working life in Scandinavia if ure interested.

Lurking, undercover??....... where u come up with dat one?:rolleyes: :rolleyes: http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/guin.gif Hogg

Sick Squid
17th Jul 2002, 13:39
Been alerted to this one via the Admin. forum...

There is indeed a moderator on the way for this forum, we are waiting on the necessary permissions being set up. Once they are in place, which is reliant on the workload of PPRuNe Towers, a name will appear charged with maintaining the good order of this Mead Hall!

However, there is NO SUCH THING as an un-moderated forum on PPRUNE... all of us untrustworthy and friggin' anal super-moderators can keep an eye and swing an axe over any of the public forums; this is obviously very difficult in a case like this where I have absolutely no friggin' (I like that word, and will now over-use it!) idea what you are all discussing because apart form the words "friggin', anal, moderator and Danny" I understand absolutely nothing of the above! In cases like this, and the other "un-moderated" venues such as Military, we rely to a great extent on the "Report this post to a moderator" prompt.. on receipt of which the post is looked at, and judgement exercised. I think, anyway... all I do is bin them, and go back to downloading pictures of Britney Spears.

Also, once again for the gallery, there is NO SUCH THING as free speech on a moderated bulletin board. The Ryanair post in question is libellous in the extreme, and so far, despite requests to the contrary not one single person has come forward willing to indemnify Danny and Rob over the litigous nature of the contents of the post; simply done, all it takes is a name and address to be held for when the courts come a'knocking. Perhaps someone in here is willing to accept that burden.... I for one certainly am not.

From what I understand of this forum, it has been very well self-regulated over the period it has been in operation, far more than can be said for some other forums on here, particularly the one now placed under the care of an inhabitant of your very shores for just that reason. The best moderation is self-moderation.... just like abuse really....

Anyway, there's a mod on the way, that's all I wanted to say... trust me! ;)

Untrustworthy, Proctological Friggin' "Super-Moderator"

17th Jul 2002, 16:08
Mod on the way?

Hmm, not so good news.

Do we get a second chance? Like an extended probationary period?...:D

The mod ya mentioned from our shores are not really from here, she moved to Norway from another country due to the abundance of sexy males around here.
She is actually Dutch...(I hear them Dutch Ladies are REALLY liberal...:D )

Hope Flaps don't read all this, I'd be banned for life...:D :D

Aye, what is this RyanAir report all about?

All of a sudden the sky is falling because of what? :confused:

If anybody could enlighten me in a sentence or two, either here or on [email protected]
that would be appreciated.

In the meantime we can always stay out of trouble by writing in ScandiLanguage.

(But then again, Flaps is fluent in Norwegain, now what...:eek: )

17th Jul 2002, 16:31
Titt guys, im i prosessen far guys restaurent pa PPRuNe, jeg dont arbed for Ryanair;) , jeg provde beskytte website fra rettsrvist, derfor hva problemet, gir meg en brudd , im pa Deres side:cool:

Om noe av De er pissed av med mitt tiltak im trist, im ikke offisielle mod her, men snart har De en, han er bra till De all;) , ikke en arse*ole som meg :rolleyes: :rolleyes: na im draing for ol


Yeah Towerdog, Skriv ja all som De vil ha i scandinavian , i dont sinn;) ;)


17th Jul 2002, 16:59
Uh oh, Hoggs speaks the lingo...

Can't squeeze nothing by that guy.:D

Well hell, who is this new mod any?
Is it a secret? Is he in training or just lurking?

Tell ya what since the Scandinavian countries are the ultimate in Democracy, and so should this forum be, why don't we vote on this dude?..


17th Jul 2002, 17:55
You all, including all moderators,

Tell ya what since the Scandinavian countries are the ultimate in Democracy, and so should this forum be, why don't we vote on this dude?..

It`s important to recognise what TowerDog says. We, the ppruners from Scandinavia, are a bit different. Democracy and free speach are just as important to us as our mother milk was a few years back. As a matter of fact, we were given democracy and the right to speak freely through that milk. It also gave us just enough common sence to stay within the borders of responsibility.

So Danny, why not give us credit for being a bit different. Let us vote for the moderator. Believe me, it`s natural for us to do it;)
I guess it has never been done before, but you know as well as I that there is always a first time.

Capt PPRuNe
17th Jul 2002, 18:11
Democracy? Democracy? Did I read the word Democracy somewhere on here?No in my friggin' lifetime!:eek: I kinda like that word too £6)

Just to back up the words of Sick Squid the Slayer, I and my mods reserve the right to do what we want on here. This is a despotic website, albeit benevolent at the moment. Dunno where the allegation of some SuperMod undermining anything comes from and as for the mention of 'anal types', thats rich coming from a dissenting user who pays a fortune to use this website. :rolleyes:

I need a moderator because there are obviously a few irresponsible types who don't have the intelligence to know when a report can or cannot be published. I won't go into the details here but I suggest those of you who are really that bothered read my post on the Ryanair 900 hours thread in Reporting Points. There will always be 'lurking' mods and others who have a sense of responsibility who only have to 'report the post' using the link and all supermods and admions will be notified.

In short, no democracy. A moderator will be appointed to this forum shortly and you can take up the issues with him or her privately. This forum is for professional aviation issues and not debates on democracy! Kabeesh?

Sick Squid, I'll see you in my office for tea and biccies about your comment: "...apart form the words "friggin', anal, moderator and Danny" Now I'm getting worried!:confused:

17th Jul 2002, 18:30
Uh oh guys, God himself has paid us a visit....:D

Now we are under the microscope and the future will be different.

(I suppose we could not just vote out Danny and his pack of Moderators, could we...:D )

Well, lets see, how do we deal with this here new threat to Democracy, Happines and Freedom of speech????

(Relax boss, that was just a friendly wind-up, no reason to pull out the big guns and shoot down the TowerDog for life...;) )

Aye, better thread lightly here, already got a loud and clear remark from the almighty when I questioned the ban on scab-lists on the "Freight Dog Forum".

The secret to success in the aviation business is that when yer names comes across the Chief Pilots desk, he will ask? WHO is that, never heard of him before...


Too late around these pages, unless of course the whole mess can be blamed on a junior guy....:cool:

17th Jul 2002, 18:32
Danny because you recognise 4 words from different places in a post - don't assume that they are connected into one sentence.

I do not recall any negative remarks directed at you in any language i recognise

There have been some nasty, personal attacks going on here from a few individuals - and I think that the angry remarks here are about these posts - and our ability to handle/ignore them ourself - not about Ryan Air reports etc.


17th Jul 2002, 18:34
Skyld akkurat meg TowerDog:cool:

Ol ol ol Hogg

Oh and AngleAndAttack and LEFT BLANK now back operational

Nyt Dudes;)

17th Jul 2002, 18:38
Okay, it is all yer fault Hoggs.

(Does that make ya the sacrificial Moderator, the one who pays for the sin's of the masses..?...:D )

Bye, bye Hoggs....

17th Jul 2002, 19:03
Sorry to ask, but what is a 'Scab list' - not that I expect to come across such a thing, but Longmans Dictionary talks about fungus and the like when looking for Scab..

The Uninformed


17th Jul 2002, 19:11
Yes, ya are right bodstrup, scabs are a low life form like fungus and such.

In the pilot community scabs are those that has crossed picket lines.
"Streikebryter" in Norwegian.

Nuff said....


18th Jul 2002, 05:40
A democracy is kept alive by exchange of opinions. You do not have to like what you hear, but you have to accept that other people have different opinion than yours. Having said that, I understand that for legal reasons the admin of pprune want to monitor the threads. Ok, so the policy is to have a moderator on all forums. The question is why can`t the scandinavians vote for their moderator. We are responsible enough to vote people into the Parliament. I guess we would be responsible enough to vote for our own moderator. Danny, we are nice people despite what the Vikings did 1000 years ago to your women. The concept is simple: We vote, you monitor, you don`t like, you remove our monitor. Fair deal. All in favour say yeah;)

18th Jul 2002, 09:45

18th Jul 2002, 10:20
YEAH Arctic, but it may be a lost cause:

To put our own mod in place may be like having the fox guard the hen-house..:D

Who would ya suggest for candidate anyway?
(Most of us travel and are unable to monitor threads on a regular basis I should think)

Flaps would be good since she speaks the language, but she is already busy running a tight ship over at JetBlast, and Allah knows that is a full time job...:D

Capt PPRuNe
19th Jul 2002, 18:18
Moderators are vetted for a long time before they are allowed anywhere near the controls for security reasons. If you want to vote for someone we need the list of candidates and they all have to be approved by an existing moderator or admin who will vouch for their credentials.

Just in case you were not aware, there is also a secret ceremony where the powers of moderation are passed to the new recruit and then they are beasted horribly for at least a week. You really don't want to know what they have to go through even before they start their moderator training and I have seen grown men cry when they have only heard of what happens, never mind actually go through it!

So, make sure your candidates are up to the job and that they are prepared to undergo rigorous security clearance and background checks. Unfortunately there will be no opportunity to 'resign' or be made 'redundant'. All moderators that cannot handle the job are 'recycled'. I can't tell you what that involves but if I did, I'd have to kill you! :eek:

Right, all volunteers for application take one step forward.

19th Jul 2002, 18:43
Uh Chief, the offer to step forward is extremly tempting, especially when the rewards are counted and mesured, but not sure that I or anybody I know could handle the pressure and the training.

That being said, I have a candidate in mind: He seems to have common sense and appears to be level-headed. (Don't know if that disqualifies him..:D )

Let me introduce Nick Figaretto...Drum-Roll....

Hi Nick, think ya can handle it?

Hows about a poll for Nick as the new Scandi Mod...?


19th Jul 2002, 21:56
Nick gets my vote, for sure!

Especially after reading Danny's tempting job description :D

19th Jul 2002, 23:38
Shouldn't it be a Dane and not some Jävla Swede? ;)

19th Jul 2002, 23:49
Nick is Norsk: Otherwise he would not have been nominated..:D

20th Jul 2002, 01:38
I too have seen grown men cry, but that involved rubber gloves and a falsetto rendition of 'Moon River'

Anyways, I nominate the Dog himself. An old buccaneer like him would be perfect in controlling the Viking hordes.

20th Jul 2002, 02:01
Uh, slow down there Techman...:

Guys like me are the reason PPRuNe., Inc needs a moderator at these latitudes.

Besides, how can I maintain my "one of the boys" status if I become the father figure AND the policeman??

(You boys would not respect me in the morning...:D )

Well, to put my money where my foot is, lets vote:

Uh, got to start a new thread for a proper vote meh thinks..
Stay tuned.

20th Jul 2002, 13:10
I've always been a fan of the Techman, why is he not in your poll, TowerDog?:cool:

20th Jul 2002, 13:19
Well YAM, ya are a bit late.

Techman, being the quiet and shy guy he is, did not nominate himself, neither did anybody else until now.
We can however start more polls and those who come up on top, go to the semi-finals, then the finals etc. :D

Okay who else....Hmm, lets see YAM, do ya want to moderate yer fellow PPRuNe'rs?

Be the one in power? Shoot down in flames, then ban for life all the scumbags and rascals that does not agree with YOUR point of view?? ;)

Aye, the sweet taste of power...

Here is your chance...:eek:

20th Jul 2002, 13:25
No thanks. I'll probably abuse it :D

Capt PPRuNe
20th Jul 2002, 17:40
Which bit about 'Despot' don't you lot understand? We have our procedures and that's it.

All this huggy wuggy democracy malarkey won't wear with me. To prove my point, I'm having the last word in this thread. I despotically vote that I should close this thread!