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View Full Version : FTE Jerez , CTC , OAA Oxford-Assessment and review

16th Jun 2017, 21:59
Hello everyone !
last year i finished high school and now i'm trying to find a flight school to start my flight training ( i'm mainly interasted in an Integrated program ). I wanted to ask for an advice and i have a couple of questions :O

1) I've heard a lot of people sayng that choosing the flight school is crucial since airlines are more likely to hire if they see FTE,CTC,OAA on your cv. Is that true ? plus these academies are very expensive.

2)I'm going to sit the assessment for OAA in july and the FTE one in september i was wondering if anyone here gave it a try and if maybe could give a bit of an advice

And what do you guys think of these academies ( prices etc ) ;)

17th Jun 2017, 14:56
Your first point is really up for quite a lot of debate. Whilst they're seen by many as 3 of the best schools - I've seen lots of people debate this claim in terms of the calibre of pilot they output. That being said - just looking at which airlines endorse them compared to other, cheaper, schools - you have to consider whether it's worth it. I can't give a definitive answer on this, but I would guess that if they had 2 applicants who were exactly the same other than the fact one went to one of the three and one went to another school, then the FTE/CTC/OAA student would get it.

Of those 3. FTE generally appears to be the best value for money. Especially on their MPL schemes. (Only) £90k (I think the ATPL is €115,000. But that includes accommodation, full board, training materials and internet for the entire duration of the course. The same can't be said for CTC. I'd encourage you to look deeply into all three schools, what's included in the price and what isn't.

As for assessments. I think they're good fun. If you're good with video games/have any flying experience - aptitude tests wise you should be fine. You can purchase and download some PILAPT practice things online for not too much money. Latestpilotjobs I think was the website I used the first time. The maths and physics tests generally are GCSE level with some AS, nothing too difficult.

I've been trying Cadet schemes (unsuccessfully) for a year now. Any more questions I'm happy to have a go at answering them.

17th Jun 2017, 19:33
Thanks for your answer ! i guess i'll try to sit the assessemnt and see how it goes and then decide.I'm having a bad time whith the mental math so i don't know how the assessment will go.. Have you been failing the cadet scheme for easyjet etc ? or the school one ?:(

18th Jun 2017, 13:56
Having a private, will put you head and shoulders above anyone else in a cadet selection room.

This isn't true. But I would recommend getting a PPL.

18th Jun 2017, 15:35
Have you been failing the cadet scheme for easyjet etc ? or the school one ?:(

Of the 3 schemes I've done - I've passed the school selection all 3 times - twice FTE, once CTS - Airline wise - came really close on the two FTE schemes, but completely messed up my interview with EasyJet on the CTS one

18th Jun 2017, 17:16
CTC(L3) as they are now, used to have the best lead into airline jobs via their AQC. That seems to have changed recently where airlines appear to be more in favour of modular pilot recruitment by offering their own TR/base/line training schemes. (Cadet Platinum Pilot et al)

The only way to the RHS used to be via integrated route with one of the "elites"; CTC/OAA/FTE. I think that regime is now changing.

Flight training is not cheap whichever way you look at it, even a PPL will set you (Parents) back 7-9 K

Have fun!

19th Jun 2017, 08:42
One thing is... if you have just gotten out of high school I would recommend gaining some experience. Most of the people that were ending high school during my assessment were not successful because of the lack of experience, and were told to go get a degree, get a job or start flying for a PPL and then applying again. This is one of the main reasons why I chose FTE; a business is still a business, but it made me feel like they didn't just take in anyone that has that amount of money but rather someone who might be a good pilot in the future.

Hope you have luck! if you have any questions let me know ;).

19th Jun 2017, 17:39
Thanks everyone for your answers and thanks button push ignored for sharing your point. I just wanted to add and say that i already got a PPL + SEP SEA and i have attended a Technical Aeronautical High School where i pretty much studied all 14 ATPL subjects and more.. i think it's not just the school that you attended or how much you paid but i guess in aviation the knowledge and passion is everithing and one day or another with or without someone holding your hand you'll be abke to get where you want.

29th Jun 2017, 17:46
Hello ! i just wanted to know if anyone did the FTE assessment and how was it. Thanks ;)

30th Jun 2017, 13:47
i did the CTC one, if you want info about it will be happy to help..
good luck :)

20th Jul 2017, 14:41
Hi tryu32 I have some question concerning the online screening process, I didn't apply yet and I afraid to be rejected through the online selection.
Do you know what are is the minimum or the profil they are looking for ?

19th Feb 2018, 12:27
Hi there, I have got an assessment day coming up on the 5th of March and would really appreciate it if you could give me some advice or some pointers that might help me better my chance. Also, if you could outline how your day went, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

22nd Feb 2018, 11:46
My advice : unless you are sponsored by an airline, dont waste your money with FTE. The chances to find a job with them are low. Go for a cheaper and better FTO, BAA/Air Bartolini...

22nd Feb 2018, 11:58
My advice : unless you are sponsored by an airline, dont waste your money with FTE. The chances to find a job with them are low.

If you are going to make a sweeping statement like that then provide some evidence/statistics to back it up!

22nd Feb 2018, 15:15
I know what I am talking about, as I have done my training with FTE. They dont help me find a job, they dont even reply my emails, they dont care.
I have lost 115KEur, fortunately I have my previous job.
I am not happy with FTE. It was just to give my feedback about the school.
But some other students may have a positive feedback. I can understand that.

22nd Feb 2018, 17:11
I'm sure lfoh has already mentioned somewhere that they had an easyjet interview but were not successful. Don't blame FTE for that.

22nd Feb 2018, 17:13
I had no fail, passed everything first pass. I had an interview with Easyjet but I was not hired.
I know that volotea visited the school last year, but I have never been invited for an assesment...

22nd Feb 2018, 17:23

Try aglen and aglen

26th Mar 2018, 16:47

You say that you passed everything first time up to the CPL/IR phase.....

How did the MCC / JOC work out?

You had an interview with EZY, but did not get taken on, whilst many others did.
You need to sell yourself to any future employer, demonstrating both passion and determination. 100% effort, and not just putting in the effort when the exams/tests occur.

Any ATO is not merely an attendance course. You need to convince seasoned aviators that you are the right stuff, that they would be happy to be part of the SLF, with you upfront. Do you fit that bill?

Just why did you signed up in the first place is not entirely clear.