View Full Version : Rock Apes @Dugway Proving Grounds

28th Apr 2017, 17:47
Interesting article

Dugway Proving Ground (http://www.dugway.army.mil/NewsArticle.aspx?articleId=/PAO/Articles/2017/03/Brits_train_at_Dugway.htm)

Thought next to Groom Lake :E:cool:, DPG / Michael Army Airfield was completely off limits / NOFORN etc


30th Apr 2017, 18:13
Interesting article. At first I thought: What's the difference between Radiological & Nuclear? but guess that Radiological would, for example, be a medical, physics or engineering radiation source.

30th Apr 2017, 22:51
Well as I'm sure you know it used to be called NBC - nuclear, biological and chemical, but nobody can ever leave anything alone, even simple,easily understood abbreviations :*

air pig
30th Apr 2017, 23:02
Basil you are correct, radiological would be things like old x ray machines or any radiological source. strapped to explosives and detonated.

1st May 2017, 07:28
It looks as if it is now CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear).

1st May 2017, 10:44
The US military used Sheep for experimental test subjects at Dugway.....knowing the Rock's reputation I hope they use safe practices!

2nd May 2017, 22:02
The abbreviation CBRN has been in use in the UK military since 2005. R (Radiological) refers to hazards from harmful radioactive substances, and N (Nuclear) refers to hazards specifically from nuclear weapons detonations, which includes nuclear radiation, but also includes thermal radiation and shock waves. The predecessor to NBC was ABC, where the A stood for Atomic.

The specialist CBRN role will soon transfer from the RAF Regiment to the Army, because David Cameron said the Army would not go below a certain strength, and this meant jobs had to be found for them. (This a couple of years after his Government decided the role should be left solely to the RAF after the failed experiment of the Joint CBRN Regt). I can't imagine a more compelling reason for changing a proven model, in such a complex and dangerous field.

Thank goodness terrorists and despots aren't determined to obtain and use CBRN weapons.

2nd May 2017, 22:24

OMG - I missed that subtle change - you couldn't make it up !

So what's happening to the presumably soon to be surplus RAF Regt guys then - new role, additional field sqn or reduce numbers through natural wastage ?

3rd May 2017, 10:56

OMG - I missed that subtle change - you couldn't make it up !

So what's happening to the presumably soon to be surplus RAF Regt guys then - new role, additional field sqn or reduce numbers through natural wastage ?

It's not all bad news, as the manpower liability saved from the RAF Regiment will stay within the RAF and will be used to build up the P8 Force. The Rock numbers will decay over time, and there are numerous gaps, so no-one will be made redundant.