View Full Version : Air Macau info

24th Apr 2017, 11:26
hey there, does anyone any information about the non rated interview for air macau?
how is the salary and living cost ? and the 50 thou usd bank guarantee, the email says if unable to provide, other remunerations can be made. does this mean they will deduct it from salary?
kind regards

26th Apr 2017, 11:57

All of your questions have been answered multiple times......on multiple threads.

Look in the archives for previous Air Macau threads and you will find all the answers you need.

Will take you about 10mins.


27th Apr 2017, 02:13
air macau will deduct the bond from your salary if not able to pay 50000usd up front. first officer package is good if you are single and share accommodation, but not if you have a family.