View Full Version : Turkey, Sikorski S-70 down

18th Apr 2017, 11:42
Türkei: Polizeihubschrauber mit zwölf Menschen an Bord abgestürzt - SPIEGEL ONLINE (http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/gesellschaft/tuerkei-polizeihubschrauber-mit-zwoelf-menschen-an-bord-abgestuerzt-a-1143706.html)

12 on board, fog, eastern turkey.

18th Apr 2017, 17:16
Quick translation:

Twelve people were killed in the crash of a police helicopter in East Turkey. The helicopter crashed in a remote mountainous region in the province of Tunceli, as the local governor announced. On board the Sikorsky S-70 "Blackhawk" were seven policemen, one judge, one sergeant and three crew members.

The Minister of Interior, Süleyman Soylu, said it was a misfortune, which was probably triggered by bad weather conditions. An attack can be excluded. As reported by the local governor, the radio contact broke down about ten minutes after the start. Another helicopter with a rescue team on board immediately flew to the scene of accident.

In Turkey there have been several fatal helicopter accidents in recent years. The worst incident happened in November 2012, 17 soldiers were killed in the crash of a military helicopter in the region of Siirt. Last March, a helicopter with Turkish and Russian businessmen crashed shortly after the start in Istanbul. Seven people died in the accident.

21st Apr 2017, 19:52
Anyone with insight view what happened?