View Full Version : Pilot Aptitude tests - standards required by CAE and CTC

23rd Mar 2017, 19:06

Firstly, I apologise if this question has already been asked, but after a search I couldn’t find anything on the topic.

I’ve been practicing the various elements of Pilot Aptitude tests on pilotaptitudetest.com and although the ‘results’ section of the site gives information such as the ‘Global High’, ‘Global Average’, ‘Your High’ and ‘Your Average’ it is difficult to gauge the standard that flight schools such as CAE Oxford and CTC Aviation are looking for in their candidates. Are they looking for the majority of candidates, in order to pass, to be achieving around the Global High level of 80-90%, or closer to the Global Average of 65-75%?

As an example, for a particular test these are the types of figures:

Percentage Accuracy – Global High: 90%
Percentage Accuracy – Global Average: 67.8%

I hope the question makes sense and would really appreciate any help on this!

Thank you! :)

24th Mar 2017, 15:39
Honestly, the Assessments are pretty basic. If you get 90% in the Tests, you should have no problems for at the actual ones. :)

27th Mar 2017, 19:07
I got 3 out of 10 in the final part of the CTC Pilapt test... now i fly for a major UK airline.. Its more complicated than just scores. if you have done any prep you should be more than capable.... but before you sign on the dotted line really find out exactly what to expect from CTC and Oxford... their pros and their very much hidden cons.. do your research and you should be just fine. Good luck

4th Apr 2017, 22:20
That's great, thanks for your advise and help!

6th Apr 2017, 17:07
Hi. I'm currently going through my A- Levels. I've applied for a CTC assessment for easyJet. Are A levels legally required to undertake the course. I applied for FTEJerez and they said that A-Levels are legally required. I'd like to just get cracking so would happily ditch the A Levels.

7th Apr 2017, 05:14
Without wanting to sound rude, it would be complacent of you to quit a levels and just expect to progress through your atpl and land your bum straight in the rhs. Whilst ctc and oaa are good for getting their students jobs i know plenty of people who've gone through the big three and not got jobs for at least a year, some are still looking. You need all the help to find yourself work in that time and need to be prepared for not getting anything at all. If you're that desperate to fly do a ppl alongside studying. But whilst they don't require a levels it's not worth not getting them to save a bit of time when you'd hope to spend your whole career flying. The ctc ezy mpl/atpl do require a levels I believe..