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View Full Version : pilots - Not working on half of Friday and Saturday

23rd Mar 2017, 18:19
Hello all,
From religious reasons I can't work on Friday from 15:00 o'clock till Saturday on 20:00 o'clock. Do you know of any position of work as a pilot that can handle this issue?
Currently I'm just a newbie without any licenses but I'm wondering if there are any solution for this problem. Airline companies that do not working on the weekend? Companies that let you make your roster without working on the weekend? working in a part time job?

The planing is for EASA area.


23rd Mar 2017, 19:49
Airline operations, I really don't think you'll find anything, but maybe something like flight instructing could work out.

23rd Mar 2017, 23:31
I believe El Al complies with this restriction?

24th Mar 2017, 03:53
Same as safelife i heard a rumour that El Al complies with that restriction. Apart from that it is not possible in the airline world. Airline flying is a 24/7 thing and pilots have to be able to work (according to rules and regulations of course) all of those times.

Yes, airlines usually allow bidding or other influences on your schedule, however a regular thing like that would not be possible in any airline i know. Especially on joining with a low seniority where most bids do not go through in the first case. Part time might be different, but even then i doubt that a part time scheme covering the same days each week exists, even in part time friendly germany (where part time is the right of every employee).

Other religions sometimes have issues with that as well, for example our muslim colleagues had to be told that they can observe ramadan, however only if it does not influence their performance. Of course they have the caveat that travelling has an excemption in the rules for ramandan anyway and most are not deeply religious to begin with.

24th Mar 2017, 08:14
The problem is that it is impossible to get accepted to this company with low hours and without connections...

Thanks you all for the answers.

24th Mar 2017, 08:29
What about cargo companies?

24th Mar 2017, 09:09
I also can't work weekends or bank holidays, for religious reasons. Can anybody tell me where I can get a job?!

24th Mar 2017, 09:22
Pretty much what Denti said, most airlines (certainly the large ones) are 24/7 and expect crew to be available 24/7.

Our bidding system would probably mean as a newbie you would actually be working a high proportion number of weekend days off and even us senior long haul trash work probably one Saturday a month at least. Our part time system is not geared towards protecting the same days every week......and doesn't kick in for new joiners until after they are through training.

Other real world problem to bear in mind is that even if you find an airline that will roster you in accordance with your wishes planned schedules/rosters can get disrupted badly by external factors. You need to consider what you would do if the trip on your roster that was planned to get you home on a Thursday gets delayed (e.g. By serious Weather) and you are rescheduled to operate home late on the Friday or the Saturday AM?

I think you need to see/discuss/consider if you can get some relaxation to your rules ... failing that it's tough to see an answer in the airline world.

Good Luck.

24th Mar 2017, 22:46
Try reading a few books by Dawkins and Hitchens.

25th Mar 2017, 01:41
:ok: Finally somebody said it! We were all thinking it, right?

25th Mar 2017, 09:13
Or try jet skiing, I find that helps

25th Mar 2017, 18:05
I missed the ironic? You did or didn't worked on the weekend?
What about positions of test pilot or ag pilot?

Unfortunately, No way for relaxation the rules...

25th Mar 2017, 21:42
I think you that you need to choose an occupation unconnected with aviation which is 24/365 as par for the course?