View Full Version : Find Flight Dispatcher Job

21st Mar 2017, 10:41
Hello everyone,
I'm planning on going to Sheffield School of Aeronautics to live and study flight dispatching. Nowadays Is it hard to find a job as a Flight Dispatcher in Miami ?

Best regards,


11th Apr 2017, 07:10
not sure if you have been yet, but i've just completed mine there! expect to work very hard, knowledgeable instructors, lots of homework, and headaches.

10th May 2017, 18:46
Haven't yet but I'm looking forward to be there, I hope that you found a dispatcher job.

15th May 2017, 14:30
Been there, done it, pass the ADX test with high marks and now since 2014 an unemployed qualified FD. If it's not necessary don't pay yourself. Let the airlines pay for you to do it there. Good Luck!