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9th Jul 2002, 20:23
Så idag et fire siders dokument som tilsyneladende var udfærdiget af en flok meget utilfredse piloter i RyanAir.
Der var nedest på siderne henvist til flg. link:
Det er dog ikke operativt.

Er der nogen der kender noget mere til dette dokument ?


Flare armed
9th Jul 2002, 21:34
ØØØØØØØH.... det er vist en blind link :rolleyes:

10th Jul 2002, 07:19
Jep I know.
Det var derfor jeg ville høre om der var nogen der vidste at det faktisk er RyanAir piloter der har skrevet dette dokument eller ej.


11th Jul 2002, 08:06
Any chance y'all can put it here in a language that all proffesionals use?

11th Jul 2002, 09:00
"A language that all professionals use" - In the Scandinavian Forum I think using the Scandinavian languages is as professional as it can get.

(Its just about a dead link that is supposed to be something written by some (unhappy?) FR employees. )

11th Jul 2002, 09:17
Så har man sku hørt den med " the language that all proffessionals use"..... Well Pro..you are in scandiland now. We have our own language thank you very much....:rolleyes:

11th Jul 2002, 10:41
Well guys,

For those who only speak english:

Why is it then that we all too often post on The Scandinavian Foum in english? I`m just asking.

For those who speak a Scandiland language:

Hvorfor er det da at man alt for ofte finner innlegg i dette forum på engelsk? Jeg bare spør.

;) :p :)

11th Jul 2002, 11:12
Very nice about scandiland.. i did not mean any harm by it.
I thought that this whole Pprune was supposed to be in english.

I was just curious about the ryanair facts and thought that such a remark abou the proffesional language (english in aviation) would lead to some laughs, not anger.

Simply said: I am curious if there is any relation to an email sent by Ryanpilots about their fellow crewmembers doing some nasty things.

11th Jul 2002, 12:36
At least there is no language wars over whether to use Finnish, Swedish, Icelandic, lapp, Norwegian, Danish etc.. Then you have to define "Scandinavia" :)

11th Jul 2002, 12:57
haha, you're quite right.
I prefer English over Dutch, but know none of the scandiland languages :)

I guess no one knows about that specific email then about Ryan flightdeck crews??

11th Jul 2002, 20:04
Er det noget af det her ?


12th Jul 2002, 11:16
Nope det er ikke noget af det. Har selv søgt på alt hvad jeg kunne komme i tanke om at søge efter uden resultat. Det var derfor jeg efterlyser andre der kender til dokumentet.
Jeg vil derfor prøve at scanne det ind og så poste det på en eller anden måde.

Det ville jo være rart at vide om det er sandt....


Only spelling changes

12th Jul 2002, 13:56
Når vi nu har gang i RyanAir er der så nogen der ved hvor klagen fra flyvelederne i England ligger ?
Den blev nævnt i dagspressen for et par uger siden og skulle omhandle RyanAir i særdeleshed og lavpris generelt.
Noget med at der bliver lavet en frygtelig masse shortcuts som strider mod bestemmelserne og som flyvelederne mente var til fare for flyvesikkerheden.

Derudover hørte jeg i går et rygte om at RyanAir for et par dage siden divertede til GOT og efter at de var landet løb tør for fuel så de måtte requeste traktor for at komme til gate.
Er det noget andre også har hørt ?

15th Jul 2002, 09:19
Terrifying read, but it is good to see it out in the open. It goes hand in hand with what I have heard myself from people inside the company.
Especially I think it is important to make sure the circumstances are widely known as to be able to put a stop to companies where safety is not an utmost priority.
Logically - operating with such low costs as Ryanair are, the toll must be taken somewhere. Uncontented/exhausted flightcrew will, in the long run, effect the safetymargins...

15th Jul 2002, 14:44
Not sure I agree with your logic. That is that safety suffers. If that was the case, then SAS would also be in trouble.

SAS certainly have their share of disgruntled employees, after all, strikes or the threat thereof are pretty common.

But having said that, it certainly does not sound like a good place to work, if one only considers this letter!

15th Jul 2002, 18:20
"As these are anonymous forums the origins of the contributions may be opposite to what may be apparent. In fact the press may use it, or the unscrupulous, to elicit certain reactions."

Perhaps we can add "competitors" to the list above

15th Jul 2002, 19:54
i read the report there and was worried by what i have read. On one point the author says that he is not out to harm anyone, but most of the items seem to me to be harmfull to the staff and not the company itself. The aledged incidents all implicate staff as the problem, not the management. Is it really a staff problem or a management problem ,or both. Maybe i have misread the article. From the report it seems that the Authors are desperate and emotional. It is a shame that the feel they are forced to act in this manner. If they have serious and genuine concerns about these things then , good luck. If it is just rantings of people with a grudge then, you've had your say. Let the facts decide.

european jetrider
15th Jul 2002, 20:29

I REALY think you should wake UP and read this report agin!!!

16th Jul 2002, 09:11
Diesel8 - I personally believe there is a huge diffrence between the conditions previosly described above regarding FR, and the odd strike at SK being masterminded by a very strong union looking to obtain specific work conditions.

16th Jul 2002, 14:33
I've heard that the entire article was published in this forum.

However since I have been away working for the last 3 days I haven't seen what AngleAndAttack wrote.

Why has AngleAndAttack's reply been deleted ?

Was this due to the report only ?

And just to repeat myself... Does anyone know if this report is real or fake ? After all the writers chose to remain anonymous.
Sure I see their point regarding this. But on the other hand the content is so alarming that I don't think it's an option to remain anonymous if they want to succeed.

17th Jul 2002, 08:35
Goldwang -

Naturally one can never say if it was fake or not. But interestingly enough the report was on the Swedish evening news last night where a former Ryanair pilot was being interviewed, veryfying parts of this removed secret report. Aparently no smoke, without a fire.....

17th Jul 2002, 10:15
And last night proceedings have been issued to De Telegraaf by Ryanairs Legal Department. Their Dept will also target any individual/ site/paper that publishes this report.

Believe You me, they wont take it lying down:p

By not publishing the report, PPRuNe is safe and also you guys who tried to.