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View Full Version : RAF Officer on Trial

11th Mar 2017, 19:17
Not a thread for a funny title, and I won't paste the content. Suffice it to say it's not pleasant. Innocent until proven guilty, but even the circumstances if on an RAF official sports expedition are reprehensible.

RAF officer "forced student to perform sex acts on him" (Brighton Argus) (http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/15148686.RAF_officer____forced_student_to_perform_sex_acts_o n_him___/?ref=mrb&lp=1)

11th Mar 2017, 19:44
If true, he deserves everything he gets.... And some

Pontius Navigator
11th Mar 2017, 19:56
As ORAC said, lets wait for the verdict.

11th Mar 2017, 20:07
Hence the IF TRUE.

11th Mar 2017, 21:19
Putting to one side any potential crime, I found the idea that someone with Aspergers had never refused a dare quite bizarre (if true).

Aynayda Pizaqvick
12th Mar 2017, 10:39
The problem with local rags is they can be a bit crap... Note the recently added correction at the end where they state that he was not an Officer and that he has since been acquitted; given the article appears to have been published yesterday, maybe they should have just waited for a verdict rather than smearing someone's name!

12th Mar 2017, 11:00
Interesting add on!
I wonder how much other info wasn't quite correct. I can only add to my above comment re Aspergers and truth or dare. some things the young lad were supposed to have done or said didnt seem right.

12th Mar 2017, 11:03
Also makes you wonder why someone felt the need to post the story on here in the first place?


12th Mar 2017, 11:06
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story

12th Mar 2017, 11:12
Because it was in my local paper and, as stated, regardless of verdict, the reported circumstances brought the RAF into disrepute. Plying someone under age with booze when the bar staff won't serve them is dubious at the best of times.

Pontius Navigator
12th Mar 2017, 11:39
ORAC, perhaps a stiff letter to the rag on journalistic accuracy.

Is it the truth
Is is it accurate
Is it helpful to all concerned

12th Mar 2017, 13:18
Because it was in my local paper and, as stated, regardless of verdict, the reported circumstances brought the RAF into disrepute. Plying someone under age with booze when the bar staff won't serve them is dubious at the best of times.

Yet done on countless detachments............... hell, sometimes a newby got a dubious lady thrown in as well!

Pontius Navigator
12th Mar 2017, 14:55
dctyke, the boggle minds :)

12th Mar 2017, 15:23
What I cannot understand is they have edited the Article from Officer to Engineer, but have still left it up and simply amended the title but left it running with the title.

RAF engineer ‘forced student to perform sex acts on him’when by their own admittance the act never took place and the person involved had been cleared

Jonathon Coundon has since been acquitted of the charge. A previous version of this article referred to Mr Coundon as an officer rather than an aircraft engineer. The Argus apologises for this typographical error. I hope he sues the pants of them, as surely to continue to amend the article which still infers it happened after it has been proven in a court that it did not... would that not be libel, even though they put the retraction at the end? surely the whole article should have been rewritten to correct it and the title should read now

RAF engineer found not guilty of performing sex act

12th Mar 2017, 15:37
What I cannot understand is they have edited the Article from Officer to Engineer, but have still left it up and simply amended the title but left it running with the title.

when by their own admittance the act never took place and the person involved had been cleared

I hope he sues the pants of them, as surely to continue to amend the article which still infers it happened after it has been proven in a court that it did not... would that not be libel, even though they put the retraction at the end? surely the whole article should have been rewritten to correct it and the title should read now

RAF engineer found not guilty of performing sex act
Surely the title should read now

"Airman acquitted at Lewes Crown Court".

12th Mar 2017, 15:40
So 3 years after the alleged act, the boy told his girlfriend the story. The newspaper than decided to publish even before the trial ended with his acquittal and all they do is hide behind a 'typographical error. Yea, right!. I too hope the serviceman sues.